Bless me, oh Higher Self, with the strength to overcome obstacles,
the courage to follow my heart's true calling, and the wisdom to recognize the divinity within myself and others.
Let me be taught the mysteries of divine love, wisdom, and power,
And return with the knowledge needed to fulfill my divine plan.
Invocation to Be Taken to the Temples of Light
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self,
I call forth Your guiding light to lead me tonight into the higher realms of divine instruction.
Take my soul, under the protection of the Ascended Masters,
To the holy temples and retreats of the Great White Brotherhood...
Prepare my consciousness to receive the blessings of these sacred journeys.
Transmute all that would hinder my understanding
And illuminate my mind with divine truth.
Envelop me in the violet flame as I enter the temples of light.
Beloved I AM Presence
Source of All Goodness and Light,
I come before You today with a grateful heart,
For the blessings that surround me—seen and unseen, For the gift of life, the beauty of this Earth, and the love I share with others.
I Affirm
I AM a channel of gratitude, joy, and abundance!
Beloved El Morya, I decree:
El Morya, thou Chohan of Power,
Seal us in thy flame each hour.
Guide our way, perfect our zeal;
O Morya, let all chaos heal!
El Morya, we now command
Thy Presence firm to take its stand.
Bring Perfection and Order, too,
In all we think, and say, and do!
Pallas Athena
IN THE PURSUIT OF MASTERY OR ADEPTSHIP, conscious control of all forces and manipulation of substance hinge on three factors:
1. Acknowledging one's individual God self
2. Maintaining perfect calmness of feeling under all circumstances
3. Transcending the temptation to misuse power
Stilling all emotions at the command of the conscious will
is essential, with the demand for it being unconditional if dominion is to be achieved.