Invocation to Be Taken to the Temples of Light

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self,
I call forth Your guiding light to lead me tonight into the higher realms of divine instruction.
Take my soul, under the protection of the Ascended Masters,
To the holy temples and retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.
Let me be taught the mysteries of divine love, wisdom, and power,
And return with the knowledge needed to fulfill my divine plan.

Beloved Ascended Masters, Angels, and Guardians of Light,
Prepare my consciousness to receive the blessings of these sacred journeys.
Seal me in Your protective white and violet flames
So I may safely traverse the etheric realms.

Beloved Archangel Michael,
Send Your legions to escort me on this journey.
Guard my soul and shield me from all discord.

Beloved Saint Germain,
Envelop me in the violet flame as I enter the temples of light.
Transmute all that would hinder my understanding
And illuminate my mind with divine truth.

Beloved Masters of the Temples of Wisdom, Healing, and the Sacred Fire,
Open my heart to receive Your divine teachings.
Impress upon my soul the lessons I need to accelerate my spiritual growth.
Let the blessings of Your presence flow through my waking consciousness,
That I may serve as a beacon of light in this world.

In the name of the Mighty I AM Presence,
I decree:
I AM the open door to the temples of the Ascended Masters.
I AM the purity that qualifies me to walk within the halls of divine wisdom.
I AM the perfect student of the light, ready and willing to learn and grow.

Thank You, O Great Ones, for this sacred opportunity.
May the lessons of the night blossom into the fruits of divine service by day.

So be it. So it is. I AM.

Galactic Souls offers spiritual teachings from the Great White Brotherhood, practices, and guidance to align with your highest divine purpose.


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