Pallas Athena

"IN THE PURSUIT OF MASTERY OR ADEPTSHIP, conscious control of all forces and manipulation of substance hinge on three factors:

1. Acknowledging one's individual God self

2. Maintaining perfect calmness of feeling under all circumstances

3. Transcending the temptation to misuse power

Stilling all emotions at the command of the conscious will is essential, with the demand for it being unconditional if dominion is to be achieved.

This does not entail repressing discord within oneself, but rather harmonizing and stilling the feelings regardless of surrounding circumstances.

Such control is challenging for many in the Western world due to the sensitive, emotional, and impulsive nature of their temperament.

However, harnessing this tremendous energy requires control, reservation, and conscious direction for constructive ends.

Without checking and governing the waste of energy, permanent progress remains elusive."

Galactic Souls offers spiritual teachings from the Great White Brotherhood, practices, and guidance to align with your highest divine purpose.


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