BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER EL MORYA, in the name of the mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my own beloved Holy Christ Self, I invoke the Law of Forgiveness for all misuses of God's holy Will in thought, word, and deed.
I call upon the purifying action of the violet flame to cleanse, heal, and restore harmony within me and my world, aligning all with divine mercy, love, and purpose.
O thou immortal unfed flame of Christ-love within my heart, I call to you, beloved El Morya, and to all great powers of Light serving the flame of God's Will.
By the authority of the Presence of God which I AM, and by the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I invoke your mighty Presence and the full-gathered momentum of your service to the Light of God that never fails.
Let it permeate my consciousness, being, and world, guiding me into perfect alignment with divine order and purpose, worlds without end.
Beloved El Morya, I decree:
El Morya, thou Chohan of Power,
Seal us in thy flame each hour.
Guide our way, perfect our zeal;
O Morya, let all chaos heal!
El Morya, we now command
Thy Presence firm to take its stand.
Bring Perfection and Order, too,
In all we think, and say, and do!
El Morya, thou God of Truth,
In thy flame, come seal our youth!
Perfect our way, make straight their paths,
Blue-flame Power both sure and fast!
El Morya, invoke thy Power,
Help us work and serve each hour.
Help us plan each day aright,
Through thy Love, make all things bright!
El Morya, to thee we turn,
Grant Self-Mastery we may earn.
The golden age is drawing nigh;
Lift our thoughts to God on high!
El Morya, thy flame expand,
Through each soul in this fair land.
Bring divine order, ritual, too,
Till all know what they must do!
El Morya, thou Chohan of Power,
Be with us every sacred hour.
Unfold the divine plan for all,
Christ-Victory upon us fall!
And in full Faith, I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now, with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!