Walk the Earth as Pillars of Fire

Let the Wall of Fire Descend!

Vol. 35 No. 49 - Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras - November 4, 1992

Voyages of Soul Discovery

Let the Wall of Fire Descend!
Walk the Earth as Pillars of Fire

We Shall Have the Victory in God’s Name
Give the Command Once a Day

I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand.

Then said I, “Whither goest thou?” And he said unto me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.”

And, behold, the angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him and said unto him:

Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein:

For I, saith the Lord–the I AM THAT I AM–will be unto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her.

Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord, the Almighty One: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.

Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.

For thus saith the Lord of hosts, Sanat Kumara; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me.

Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.

And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

And the Lord, the Mighty I AM Presence, shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land and shall choose Jerusalem again.

Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.

And I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about and I will be the glory in the midst of her.

Zechariah 2

Ho! Let the wall of fire descend round about the New Jerusalem! Let the wall of fire descend![1] So the Seven Holy Kumaras command the descent of fire in the earth that there might be the wall of partition between those who are the servants of the Light and those who are the servants of corruption. [2]

Let the wall of fire descend, for the Lord God, the I AM THAT I AM, does seek his habitation. Lo, he cometh! Lo, he cometh! Lo, he cometh with ten thousand of his saints![3]

And I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara. And I AM the glory of the Lord in the midst of the Holy City.[4] I AM the glory of the Lord in the midst of the Holy City, and I pluck you out of the earth, O my beloved, each and every one of you who has made your peace with your God, and I assume you unto myself that you might know yourself a part of my own Mystical Body of Light.

Come, then, as the mighty eagles gather together[5] in my Causal Body, as we shall manifest in our day and in this day surely, surely the devouring by sacred fire of all in the earth that would corrupt the saints and the children of God and the holy ones and the servants of thy people.

Therefore, O living ones, know that on this site in ancient days long, long past, in far-gone ages when the continents were not as they are, so there was the declaration of the Lord. And I come to reiterate that declaration of the wall of fire descending for the protection of the pure in heart, for the protection of the City Foursquare, for the protection of the Retreat of the Divine Mother, arcing, then, back to the mighty mountains of the Yellowstone.

Yes, beloved, there have been days long ago when you served in the inner court of the city. Now “the city” does include all Lightbearers and servants of God in the earth. And therefore, the wall of fire is established round about our retreat and the wall of fire is established round about each one. And for you it may be the multiplication of the power of the tube of light as you invoke that tube of light.

Oh, invoke it now, beloved, and stand and receive this wall of fire I am now delivering individually to you.

Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree

O my constant, loving I AM Presence, thou Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way:

I AM faithfully calling to thee to place a great pillar of Light from my own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today! Keep it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering shower of God’s beautiful Light through which nothing human can ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of Freedom’s forgiving, transmuting flame!

Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every negative condition into the positive polarity of my own Great God Self! Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with Light that all whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all discord–cause, effect, record and memory–is forever changed into the Victory of Light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ.

I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of this fiat of Light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own God-given free will and the power to accelerate without limit this sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are ascended and God-free in the Light that never, never, never fails! [6]

ANGELS OF THE HOLY KUMARAS, now establish that wall of fire round about you, beloved. Renew it each day, renew it several times a day, and your tube of light may be the wall of fire for the protection of your city, your home, your nation, your hemisphere, your planetary body.

Walk the earth, therefore, as pillars of fire. Walk the earth, therefore, enjoying the glory of the Lord and invoking the glory ofthe Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence, to descend into your midst.

In that day long ago that wall of fire was established where this city is, and it has remained (even though diminished in its energy) a pillar, a vortex of fire drawing unto itself certain souls who must come to this place for the return, for the very return to God. Therefore, let Keepers of the Flame of this city invoke the power of the flame of God and the wall of fire. Let it be renewed, I say! As you make the call, so it shall be. As you do not make the call, so it shall not be sustained.

The sustaining fire, then, of the wall of fire around the New Jerusalem, beloved ones, is at the Inner Retreat; and it is in place guarding [the Retreat in all] octaves, guarding [its physical] manifestation, guarding your very home of Light, to which you retreat, I trust, once each year for renewal in that flame of the Western Shamballa.

Blessed ones, as you understand, America is in crisis! Therefore, the Holy Kumaras come. Therefore, the Fourteen Ascended Masters who govern the destiny of this nation come.

Therefore, be seated, for you are now in the flame of the old and new glory of the flag of this nation, which does represent an ancient level of the civilization of Atlantis when you were there and raised on high truly the ensign of a people.[7] And that ensign was the sign of the living Christ, and that sign remains in this flag, the five-pointed star–the memory of the Lord Christ, who did come, who did live, who did reign, who did deliver unto the people the laws of God-government and the laws of human behavior.

Even so, the codification of these laws was for the ultimate triumph of the people. But, blessed hearts, there were many corrupt ones, even the fallen angels who moved against the Woman and her Manchild. And these held sway and held the people in their grip and moved them [to rail] against the pillar of fire who was and is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus, beloved, the continent sank into the depths of degradation, as if on a roller coaster, and [some of] those who were servants of God moved on to other places on the planet. The retirement, therefore, of the Son of God from Atlantis[8] was the beginning of the end and culminated many, many years later in the sinking of that entire continent for the weight of the forces of Antichrist.

The hours and days have passed. And in this era we have determined–we who have come from Venus for the salvation of the people of Light of earth, we who have come to stand for Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty–that we will hold the power of God in hand as the mighty scepter of our authority. As we did sponsor Light evolutions of the earth and as you who came with us did so sponsor them, so we say, “We will not give up the ship! We will not let go this fight unless you yourselves say to us now, ‘We are finished and we are through, Sanat Kumara.’”

Where there is a heart and many hearts who will still burn with the fire of the threefold flame that I have rekindled in some of the peoples of the earth, we shall take a stand and a stronger stand each day as you increase your strength and your capacity to receive the strength of Almighty God. We shall be there if you will be there, and we will not withdraw from the earth. We will not be intimidated by the fallen ones who are overrunning the minds of the youth. We will not, so long as you sing the anthems of the free and direct your calls with piercing fire into the cause and core of Evil in the earth.

What say ye, then, beloved? [“Yes!” (31-second standing ovation)]

Blessed hearts, I want you to know that the evolutions of my home star, Venus (who inhabit a plane that is not physical according to the physical nature of earth), are one and all in rapt attention as I address you with the Seven Holy Kumaras. And there are giant screens throughout that planet upon which all can see the Messenger and see your faces and see your auras. And they send love, waves of billowing love in support of your sacred hearts, in support of the increase of holy love in your hearts, beloved: an entire planet of lifewaves watching now what shall become of earth and what shall become of their brothers and sisters and twin flames and souls so close to their hearts, those gathered here and those gathered in the cities and those not yet in this Community of the Holy Spirit but moving toward the heart of the Buddha and the Christ and of Sanat Kumara.

Yes, beloved, feel this love, for this love is something truly beyond this world, which all who are one with you in this cause and purpose are determined to manifest here by sending their love and also by journeying in the etheric octave to take their stand at your side.

Blessed hearts, there is a response to your striving and to your giving of yourselves. There is a response from other systems. There is a response from the Violet Planet. There is a response from planets beyond this solar system and then those that are light-years beyond even this galaxy.

There is a hush in the entire Matter cosmos as the decisions of individuals are making the difference as to whether or not the entire tide of Darkness will be turned around in planet earth. For this cause have we come; and by reason of this ancient wall having once been established here, we have chosen this city to deliver our message and therefore sent our Messenger. And you have rallied and you have inconvenienced yourselves and you have come. Therefore, together in the living flame we multiply all that you are by the power of the love of Lady Master Venus.

So, then, precious hearts, be seated.

Those of the Cosmic Council who accepted my offer, rather than snuff out the entire evolution of earth, gave me the go-ahead to come with bands of those of you who were the sons and daughters of God and angels and even Archangels and Archeiai. Yes, beloved, those of you who did respond, those of you who did come, placed your feet in the earth [with mine] and we determined that we would be the example.[9]

Some of you lost that thread of contact with my heart. Some of you went in another direction. [Nevertheless,] you made great effort and your effort has continued. And you have never lost the memory that you came [to earth] on [a rescue] mission, for deep within your soul there is that inner knowing.

Some who came with me went on to take their ascension; [yet they] have remained and will remain [with earth’s evolutions in the ascended state]. For they have pledged to me [that they will] not leave this earth until I myself should take my leave and that for a reason that I trust shall never [come to pass]: the failure of the Lightbearers.

Omri-Tas has told you of the hour of trial of his planet when the fallen ones were ready to take it over and how the people rose up. And a few of the people (and not great numbers but a certain determined number) did invoke the violet flame, and with that violet flame they turned the planet around.[10] They turned that planet around, beloved ones! And now they minister to many home planets and home stars where people are beginning to take to the violet flame of Aquarius, [the result being that] there is a violet flame glow upon the horizon at dawn and at the setting of the sun.

And so it is, beloved. We have placed before you the option of the violet flame. And you have seen this day, as you have made your calls, how a joy and a freedom have returned to your hearts and how the oneness of your coming together [in your Mighty I AM] Presence is fanning the flame of a fire that becomes greater and greater. And you feel the new birth of that flame itself! It is a flame that will not be quenched. It is a flame that will not be quenched so long as there is a Keeper of the Flame in the earth who calls forth that violet fire and does not relent.

Therefore, blessed ones, the single matter on my heart this day is a perception of the lack of vision on the part of some and a decreased awareness, when [you are] away from the altar, of the power of the spoken Word, of the power of the I AM Presence, of the power of the Call–that power being great enough to invoke legions of angels for the binding of fallen ones tormenting the youth, wreaking havoc with the economies of the nations, performing, in secret, genetic engineering destructive and harmful to the I AM Race.

There are so many nefarious activities being carried out that even the Keepers of the Flame wonder how they could possibly make all the invocations and the calls that would be necessary to bind these situations [in the earth] and prevent them [from being outpictured]. In every direction, helter-skelter across the countries of the world, there is the attack on youth, there is the matter of drugs, there is the matter of diseases and plagues. You look here and you look there and you wonder, “How shall the daily work proceed and all the calls be made that are necessary?”

My message to you may sound simple but it is profound and it is the answer: You must believe and know that your Mighty I AM Presence is the manifestation of the Lord Brahman with you and that the Word with God in the Beginning is manifest [in you as] your Holy Christ Self. [It is because you believe and know this that I empower you to command me to take command of any and all affairs in the world.]

Blessed ones, without ceremony and without missing a beat of your daily responsibilities, you can breathe, [for instance,] the single fiat and the single prayer: “Sanat Kumara, take command of the youth of the world! Take command of drug, rock music, alcohol, nicotine and sugar addictions. Sanat Kumara, bind the entire sinister force of the attack on the youth of the world!”

But give this word in the name of Brahman, in the name I AM THAT I AM–but give this word, beloved, and I will give the word and legions of angels, millions of angels will go forth in your command. Simply be specific.

Call, then, for the putting down of all treachery and intrigue in the field of health, of medicine, of alternative [healing methods], of chiropractic and in the denying of the people the cures that are already in existence that ought to be openly dispensed. Call, then, for the judgment of the heinous crimes of the pharmaceutical companies who sell their wares at prices far beyond what they should be and, in any case, do not [even provide] the natural cures dispensed by the Archangel Raphael, which many of you know about. Blessed ones, this is a tentacle [of a giant octopus] closing in on America with an iron grip.

[But now I empower you to do something about it in record time:] Simply say, “Sanat Kumara, go after the entire matter of health care for the people of this nation and every nation and bind all forces opposing their perfect health, including .................”Then name [those forces and conditions blocking the health of nations, and name the individuals,] the departments of the government, the associations, [the corporations].

Name them, beloved, and call for the [Lord’s] judgment of individuals who would block the flow of Light [to the people] in the [application] of certain herbs and cures and remedies that ought to be made available to them.

Blessed ones, you can always call for the judgment of the dweller-on-the-threshold of any segment of this society or any society; for that which is the dweller-on-the-threshold is the unreal part of the self, [the not-self]. You can always call for the descent of the Christ into that temple for the binding of the enemy of that soul–which is the dweller-on-the-threshold–for the binding of the fallen angels whose time is come and [even] for the binding of those whose time has not come, that their activities might be limited in the earth.

Hear what I am saying to you! A one-sentence call thoughtfully worded and given as a fiat to me by name, Sanat Kumara, will result in an action of the hosts of the Lord and the armies of the Faithful and True. How can you, then, resist making that single call?

I pray that you will not forget so great a salvation that I am offering to you. And therefore, angels of the Seven Holy Kumaras come to guard the mind from despair and depression and distraction and the forgetfulness, the forgetfulness, beloved ones, to simply offer the prayer. Lest you forget, you have many means of reminding yourself, from the string around the finger to the alarm clock, to signs posted in various places, to having the buddy system, to setting a time that you never forget and you never forsake for making those calls.

Blessed ones, heretofore you have thought that you must pray for hours to get the action. [And it was so. But now with this unprecedented dispensation of the Holy Kumaras, which I make known to you this day, you have only to empower me by your command to me to enter your world so that I may send my legions to execute your command. This does not in any way eliminate the need for dynamic decree sessions ongoing in support of your commands. But it most certainly does guarantee our response in immediate action.]

Think of yourselves as commanders of battalions and legions of angels. Think of yourselves as standing before a hundred thousand angels who await the word of the command. [This is a weighty matter.] Therefore, you must qualify your prayer: “Let this call be executed by the legions of Light according to the will of God and only the will of God. Sanat Kumara, not my will but thine be done!”

The computer of the Mind of God then works through the minds of the angels who receive the call from you. And your call is adjusted [according to the divine plan for planet earth and her evolutions]; then it is formulated [to correct the human condition as much as the Great Law will allow. When it is complete, the angels] move on [to obey your command according to the Mediatorship of the Cosmic Christ. This entire process may take only seconds as you reckon time].

I will tell you a secret, beloved. All legions of angels under the Seven Archangels and under other Archangels who have not officially made their presence known (yet they have come from out the great cosmic heights to assist the earth), together with the legions of seraphim and the legions of every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being, if you can imagine such an array, fill the entire earth and more.

And they have already drawn up the plans whereby they will go forth [to deliver divine justice] in this or that area [of the planet] and they have already been assigned [to duty], by the fantastic Presence of the Universal Mind of God, in the areas they are to attend to.

And so, you see, if you are concerned about the instruction in the schools and about the teaching methods, a [certain] band of angels is ready for the call you will make. Yes, beloved, they are ready, the hosts of the Lord are ready! And all of you who have been upon this planetary body so long, who have made karma, balanced karma, made karma again and balanced it again, who have been here so long, do you not have a stake in the victory, beloved hearts? [“Yes!”]

Well, that, beloved, is the “be-attitude” of the angelic hosts, for they have been here as long as you have been here and longer. And they also have a stake [in the victory]. They have a stake in the sixth and seventh root races and in the fourth and fifth, who have gotten themselves entangled in a heavy karma midst earth’s evolutions.

Blessed hearts, so many have given so much! Imagine the redemption that shall come as a return to the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings who have pledged again and again their Causal Bodies and their hearts and portions of their mantle, portions of their very life! So many have laid down their lives for the causeof freedom on planet earth and for the cause of Saint Germain and Portia and the Goddess of Freedom, including yourselves, beloved. Should there not be the return? Should there not be the return, with interest, on the investment?

I say yes! And let that return, then, become even the nucleus for the golden age that shall follow the victory that we shall have!

We shall have the victory! Say it in God’s name!

[Congregation affirms with Sanat Kumara:]

We shall have the victory!

We shall have the victory!

We shall have the victory in God’s name!

Blessed hearts, I give you another key, and that key is the concentration of the mind. You have heard the Messenger teach regarding the yang mind,[11] which is a principle in the teaching of Lao Tzu and Taoism. Understand, then, that to keep that mind focused, to keep that mind intent, you have many faculties.

You have an inner ear. [You have] one ear that you use to listen to God and the holy angels speaking to you and [you have] another ear that you incline to the world. Yes, beloved, you have a mind that can know God and be stayed on God while you take care of all these other [worldly] things. I can assure you, you do not need to be an adept to be able to [be focused, to concentrate, to keep your mind stayed on God]. Do not postpone your oneness with the Mind of God and never, ever, ever again deny the power of the single fiat!

Blessed ones, be right with God in your personal life.

Obey the commandments.

Live the living flame of Love.

Embrace the kindness of Lord Maitreya.

Embrace the compassionate heart of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Gautama Buddha.

Oh yes, beloved ones, seek the perfection of the heart and all things will follow. But I say to you, the calls must flash forth and they must begin now! Therefore, I say, leap to your feet and begin nowto command these battalions of angels who wait outside the wall of the city.

[Congregation “leaps to their feet” and gives commands to the battalions of angels.]

I plant my rod in the earth. Know this, beloved, for there is a consecration of this city at inner levels. For I have spoken in the name of God, and in the I AM THAT I AM, I AM come. I AM come a wall of fire in the earth and that wall of fire shall increase. And there shall be protection unto the sons of Light, the Christed ones, and all shall have the opportunity to choose this day whether they shall serve the Lord or whether they shall serve the lesser self.

Now then, many battalions of angels have gone forth, have taken up your commands. They go forth on all points of the circle, 360 degrees. And other angels move forward now and they stand and they are ready to receive the next layer of your calls.

And so it shall be that I shall establish this wall wherever Saint Germain does send this Messenger and wherever there are Keepers of the Flame who will rally and come to a city and declare the city as the Lord’s city. Therefore, be Keepers of the Flame of the city!

Therefore I say, I AM the Lord Sanat Kumara, and the glory in the midst of your heart and your being and of the very citadel of your life is my flame. I, the Lord, am the glory in the midst. I AM your Ancient of Days. I AM your Guru. And this scepter is planted in the earth.

Therefore, beloved ones, give another round of calls and send again the legions who have pressed in along the walls of this hall. [Congregation gives another round of calls to the angels.]

I, Sanat Kumara, draw the circle in the earth, in the sand and in the sea. And that circle is the circle of fire round about the city where the Keepers of the Flame keep the flame and where the Messenger will go.

Now see the diagram of the twelve-pointed star around the circle and know, beloved, that the Archangels and Archeiai of whom I have spoken this day are the five, [who, with the seven,] make the twelve, and the thirteenth is Uzziel.

Thus, know, beloved, that these angels have come out of the cosmic heights with their bands and they are authorized to be in the earth in response to your presence here. You may call to them as the Archangels of the five secret rays. You may visualize them and chart them on the dial of your Cosmic Clock.

Thus, beloved, imagine the increase of Light in the earth when five additional [archangelic sets of] twin flames become a part of this activity. The multiplication, beloved, is stunning! It is a stunning geometry whereby those of the five secret rays multiply now the action of the Archangels of the seven rays, and the Seven Archangels multiply the action of the Archangels of the five secret rays.

Know, then, beloved, that they do stand [with their divine complements], their backs to the center [of the circle], with raised swords, and they direct [the piercing light of] their swords [outward] into action now. And thus they do send light throughout the planetary home. [And the multiplication factor is Archangel Uzziel standing in the center with his twin flame; and they do magnificently embody the Presences of Alpha and Omega in that center.]

Visualize these circles around the city. Call for the wall of fire around your city until your calls and your fervor will compel mewith Saint Germain to send our Messenger to you.

Thus you will see, beloved, the increase of Light. And as Light increases, it flushes out the Darkness. Therefore, do not be dismayed! Do not be dismayed when you see the horrendous actions of Darkness, but make the call for the binding of the dark ones who do react to this dictation, this dispensation and these angels. This is the third round of calls you must give now, beloved ones, for the binding of the reactionaries against the Light.

[Congregation gives fiats and joins Sanat Kumara in sounding the Om:]

Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm Ommmmm

I seal the earth for the action of the purging. The hour of the purgation[12] has come. It will not be held back. It will not be diluted. Every lifestream upon earth shall be purged by the Light and purged again.

Therefore, beloved, guard well the aura and the chakras. Guard well the children. Guard well the people who serve the Great Law. For when there is an alchemy of such planetary action, the hosts of the Lord must be continually engaged by your command.

There is great power in Archangel Michael’s Rosary and in the songs and decrees you give to him. There is great power in the circle and sword of Astrea and your own personal sword that you use in Archangel Michael’s name.

Set the defenses, beloved hearts. Yes, set the defenses, for we are there! And the gravest mistake you could ever make is to fail to make the Call, for the fire is unleashed, the legions are fully engaged. You must not fail to give them the authority to act in [my name and] your name, for they shall defend you against all evil and evildoers and Death and Hell. But you must give the command once a day.

Will you remember? [“Yes!”]

Will you remember? [“Yes!”]

Will you remember? [“Yes!”]

As Jesus said to Peter, “Lovest thou me more than these? Feed my sheep!”[13] so I say to you, beloved, stay close to the altar and the flame. And when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, come apart and read it, for it is your daily Communion. My Body and my Blood is in every word, and that of the Messenger’s also.

This is your Communion cup and the bread of Life as you assimilate the Word as so many have done before you since the [Darjeeling Council] began to distribute the Pearls [through The Summit Lighthouse] in 1958. Souls have made the ascension by loving the Pearls and the messages, underlining them and reading them again and again. They are manna, beloved, and more than manna, as I have said: they are your very tie to my heart as I speak through my Servant-Sons and -Daughters, the Ascended Masters–each word, each phrase a cup of Light that you drink as an elixir. And the flame does increase until the hour of your ascension is come.

Thank God that you can balance but 51 percent of your karma and attain that union. And with that 51 percent balanced, beloved, you have also a new authority in the spoken Word.

O blessed hearts, the planetary battle is fully engaged and I tell you now, already the fallen ones send their reinforcements from other systems. But they come, beloved ones, to a well-laid trap, for as they come you shall make the call, you shall send the word: “In the name of Sanat Kumara, I demand the binding of every evil force in the earth this hour!”

Thus, continue and continue and continue to support the angels who go to war for your sakes. And they sacrifice, beloved, and they may become wearied and wounded. And they go for their recharge to the retreat of Saint Michael the Archangel and they return again and they return again, beloved hearts. Pray for the angels, for they do battle with fallen ones who have the determination of those who know they go to the second death.[14]

Thus, it is a total world conflagration that is ignited this day! And I am also privileged to be in your midst, for you are the remnant of the people of the I AM THAT I AM who still remember, who still remember, who still remember our ancient pledge.

I AM one with you, as I AM one in Brahman and you are one [with me and with each other] through the Atman. We shall yet have our day, beloved, and that day has begun. Mark it well.

I salute you in the name of the Holy One of God. I salute you in the name of your own Christ Self. I salute you in the name of all evolutions of Venus and other planetary homes. They rise now, beloved ones, and the applause from Venus echoes all the way to this place. They are applauding the angels, they are applauding you, the Keepers of the Flame, and they applaud my humble self, beloved, for this is a moment to be marked in cosmic history.

I bless you. I seal you!

So return to your loved ones of Venus your own applause.

[114-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]

Praise the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!

Praise the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!

Praise the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!

The Messenger: The angels of the Seven Holy Kumaras are prepared to serve you Holy Communion. Our servers will come forward for the blessing of the bread and the wine, and we will sing “Praise the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!”

Blessing of Holy Communion

I, Sanat Kumara, bless this bread and wine. By the alchemy of transubstantiation, so this bread, so this wine is the essence of my Body and my Blood. Receive me unto yourself, O my beloved. Receive me now. For all that I AM I give to you, portion by portion, as ye are able to receive it.

With the sign of Sirius, with the sign of Surya, Krishna, lo, I draw the lines. And the lines are drawn and they shall not be broken, and all those who keep the Law shall have the unbroken line of protection always.

Congregation Receives Holy Communion

During the serving of Holy Communion the Messenger raised the monstrance before the congregation, commemorating the Lord’s turning back of the Saracens, who were about to attack the convent of San Damiano outside Assisi in 1244. They retreated when Saint Clare held up the monstrance.

O Lord Sanat Kumara, by thy Body, by thy Blood turn back now the “Saracens”! Turn back the hellions! Turn back the forces of Death and Hell! Let Light come to thy people through thy Mighty Presence over all. We thank thee for thy Blessed Presence in this cosmos, O Lord Sanat Kumara, Holy Kumaras. Before thy throne we bow.

This dictation by Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 11, 1992, during the five-day conference Voyages of Soul Discovery held at the Castlegate Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. In the service prior to the dictation, the Messenger led the congregation in the Sacred Ritual and read Zechariah 2. [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the direction of Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras for clarity in the written word.]

1. Zech. 2:1-5.

2. II Pet. 2:19.

3. Deut. 33:2; Jude 14.

4. Zech. 2:5, 10-13.

5. Matt. 24:28; Luke 17:37.

6. Isa. 5:26; 11:10, 12.

7. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 28, 1991, “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis.” Videocassette: 161 min., GP91107. Audiocassette: 163 min., A91074.

8. For the story of Sanat Kumara coming to earth, see Sanat Kumara, “The Dispensation Granted,” in 1979 PoW,Book I, vol. 22 no. 14, pp. 82-86.

9. Hour of trial on the Violet Planet.See Omri-Tas, May 1, 1991, in 1991 PoW, vol. 34 no. 26, pp. 353-55.

10. The Messenger has defined the yang mindas the “one-track mind” and the yin mind as the “multi-track mind.” In her August 23, 1992 lecture, “Mysteries of the Tao,” she said: “The Perfect Man is not moved by distracting thoughts or circumstances–either from within or without. He has the Mind of Tao, which is the perfect balance of yin and yang, and yet is a small percentage more yang. It is his source of strength....The eighteenth-century Taoist adept Liu I-ming defined the mind of Tao as that which is unconfused in all situations. He said, ‘Its energy is strong, so it is called yang.’” See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Mysteries of the Tao,” available soon on video- and audiocassette. See also, lectures from the Messenger’s series “Taoism and Christianity”: “Weakness as the Essence of Strength,” March 15, 1992. Videocassette: 58 min., HL92028. Audiocassette: 65 min., B92028. “The Eightfold Path of Self-Mastery,” March 24, 1992. Videocassette: 58 min., HL92032. Audiocassette: 166 min. (includes “Insatiable Desire: The Enemy Within” and “To Be Empty Is to Be Full”), A92034.

11. The hour of the purgation. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 27 and June 28, 1992, “Roots of Christian Mysticism.” Videocassette: 5 hr., GL92060. Audiocassette: 9 hr. (includes the June 27 dictation by Saint Joseph), A92054. The section on “Purgation: Testing, Temptations and the Violet Flame” is also available separately. Videocassette: 58 min., HL92062. Audiocassette: 90 min., B92056.

12. John 21:15-17.

13. Second death. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 11-15; 21:7-8.

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