The Radiant Word by Lady Master Leto - Part II

“Demonstrate the Law:

You Can Triumph If You Will!”


by beloved Lady Master Leto, given November 5, 1972

at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral

Part II

I, Leto, have come to you this morning as one of your cosmic teachers; for I desire to take you up another spiral, another rung in the ladder. As a group I would like to take you to another level of initiation. But as I have examined the record, these are some of the things which I have found. I have found that although many are burdened with service and labor, when those among you are given time, you do not always use it wisely, because you feel that because your work is full, it is always too full to take in the teachings. But I ask you, do you not make time for the cleansing of your bodies, the filling of your stomachs, for the donning of apparel which is pleasing to you? Then you also must take time to take on those concepts which don the soul in the garment of Light.

This can be done, precious hearts, if you will pray. Pray that God will show you and those working with you how to organize your schedules. And if truly in the eyes of cosmic justice your load exceeds that which is expected, then it shall be released from you and placed upon another who shall rise up gladly to serve by your side. You must first, however, have the consciousness of the Holy Spirit meeting every human need as well as your divine needs. If you have that consciousness, then rather than entering into a state of self-pity or condemnation of others or weariness of the flesh, you will rise on pinions of Light to the awareness that the Holy Ghost is present to deliver you and to manifest the victory.

Do you not realize that as you have come from the four winds, so throughout the planet there are souls waiting to come here. And sometimes they are not brought here simply because the hoops of your electronic belts are so wide that they cannot enter in without bumping into them. And so, if you will tighten the hoops by transmuting the electronic-belt patterns, you will find the Holy Spirit displacing your own electronic belt and there will be a mighty hoop of Light that shall include all of humanity instead of shutting them out.

If, therefore, you do the work of three, why not manifest the three? Why not draw the three that are qualified to do the work? Why not draw the supply to support those who desire to come here? All things are within your hands to do, for the Great Law requires that we of the Ascended Hosts answer your call when you make it in keeping with the will of God. If you do not see around you that perfection which you know must manifest, then invoke it. Invoke it until all darkness is displaced within you, replaced with Light, and the full cadre of Lightbearers is come forth here to bring the victory into the Cosmic Cube.

I have many things to show you and many things to teach you, children of the one Light. I ask then that during the coming weeks you make a special call to your angels, guardian angels of Light who come with you, to take you to the retreats while your bodies sleep. Call especially for protection; for the rising tide of effluvia of the astral plane, even over this area, is causing some of you a problem as you leave your bodies and as you return.

You must adjust to the expanding population in this area and in all areas of the world; for wherever you lift up the Light, souls will be drawn for that Light. You must realize that this city even now has become a mecca for souls who desire to serve the Great White Brotherhood and yet know not how. And as they come, their darkness and their Light precede them. This you are given to transmute, both in your services and in your daily efforts.

I say then, when leaving the body, take these things into account. Leave then as a clean arrow that flies forth into the deep–a clean arrow that does not take with it the air through which it passes, but the friction of that arrow creates a fire that consumes all that it contacts that is not like itself.

Go forth then, your mark aimed at the Royal Teton, and come into the chambers where I am teaching; for I would give you that illumination that is necessary for you to understand how to carry the cross and to pass through the trials of the crucifixion, which are prepared for you that you might receive a greater glory while you are in embodiment–so that those who behold you may see the manifestation of the resurrection yet while you live.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 16 No. 14 - Beloved Lady Master Leto - April 8, 1973

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