The Radiant Word by Lady Master Leto - Part III

“Demonstrate the Law:

You Can Triumph If You Will!”

by beloved Lady Master Leto
given at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, November 5, 1972
Part III

Precious hearts, I come as a representative of the Divine Mother; and I urge you again to be that representative in the world of form, to remember that there are millions waiting for the Light and that your job is hardly under way until you have contacted those millions. It is contact that is the byword of the hour. The outreach must come from you. We send forth the impetus from our retreats, and the hands and feet of the Brotherhood in the world of form must carry it. Contact! Contact! Contact through the Holy Spirit–the contact of the Christ Flame!

Let not your minds become flabby as you decree and give your invocations. Use the strength of your mind, the very will of your mind, to project a mighty arrow from your heart to the hearts of all mankind to make that contact! I tell you that many of you do not make the contact because you allow your minds to become as putty. They are not firm in their determination, and so you wander.

Perhaps you are too tired; perhaps you have not eaten properly, as you know the laws of good diet. Whatever the case may be, you are responsible during your hours of decree and prayer to let the firmness of your mind cover the earth and contact every soul with the Light and this teaching. As Jesus said “Cast your net on the right side,”[1] so the right side of cosmic purpose is the penetration of illumination’s golden flame that comes from the heart of the sun and is intended to be distributed through you as sun centers.

So the sun of even pressure in the heart of the earth releases its emanations. You are the links in this grand chain of Being, and you must become conscious that you are so. It is necessary that I speak to you this day so that you will throw off the lethargy of mankind’s selfishness, the abomination of their self-loves. You must also overthrow their rebellion, for now is the hour when you can triumph if you will. If you will triumph, you can this hour by the creative fires of your own God Presence and your own Causal Body.

Therefore, let not the lethargy of the world be a burden unto you during this month and the coming months; but cut through by a determined effort and mark. Raise the sword of mercy and the sword of blue flame and cut through. And you know, the resistance of that effluvia is something like the resistance you feel when you take a knife and put it through a piece of cheese. There is a resistance to the flame in the mass consciousness; so you must be willing to put forth the effort that will make its mark and cut right through unto the end.

I say to you, awaken then from the lethargy of the senses! Be not weary in well doing.[2]

Organize your time and your cycles; for this opportunity of this embodiment can become a monument to the future. As Jesus left his footprints in the sands of time–and Mary and many other saints–so as you become the master of the cycles in your life, you too will leave a clear mark for those who come after you to follow in.

Remember that I have told you this. For I AM your sister on the Path and I have stood at your right hand during many embodiments, both in and out of embodiment. And from the ascended state I can help so many more than I did when I was embodied. This will be true of you also. But now while you are here, this is the hour when every blow counts for the victory of the Light. Make it count by being aware of the energies of cycles and the flame that turns and that burns, as it turns, the human effluvia within your consciousness.

Be still and know that I AM God. Be still and know that I AM God. Be still and know that I AM God.[3] I thank you.

1. John 21:6.

2. 2 Thess. 3:13.

3. Ps. 46:10.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 16 No. 15 - Beloved Lady Master Leto - April 15, 1973

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