The Radiant Word by Lady Master Leto - Part I

“Demonstrate the Law:

You Can Triumph If You Will!”

by beloved Lady Master Leto given November 5, 1972

at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral
Part I

When I come to you during the night side of Life to give you the illumination of the Christ Consciousness as you are able to receive it, I must know as a teacher what my pupils are ready to hear. And so in a moment with the gaze of my eye and the power of the Holy Spirit, I am able to discern what facets of the mind sparkle as diamonds glistening in the Light of true illumination and what facets of the mind are still dulled by the substance of the moon.

I am also made aware of those facets of consciousness where there is no Light at all, where there has not even been an examination of higher Truth. And of late, as I have examined the disciples who have come to the Royal Teton for their instructions, I have observed one fault which I would like to call to your attention, which I am certain you will correct if you but know what that fault is and then how to correct it.

It is a lack of organization on the part of the students as they approach the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. A lack of organization of time, first of all, in which to study, and then in studying, a lack of organization of the principles that are released.

I would encourage you, then, to set aside a time each day for reading and for study. I would also encourage you to outline your studies, to make note of necessary points which you realize are lacking in your own comprehension or those specifics which you desire to apply.

It is not enough to listen to dictations or even to ponder the words of the Masters if you cannot fit the teaching of the Law within the framework of the higher vision, the scope of the Ascended Master’s own consciousness when he gave that instruction. Therefore when you hear a dictation, you are just beginning. Then you must determine why that dictation was given at a particular time according to the cycles of the year, the cycles of birth, the cycles of mankind’s karma, and what the energy release, the potential of that energy as well as the instruction, is calculated to do to avert the precipitation of those karmic cycles, both individually and on a planetary scale.

I urge you then to become wiser in your studies, to not take for granted that because you have heard the Master speak your ascension is secure or your election and your calling are sure. You must strive to make them sure each day. Your systematic study of the Law will give you at any moment, at any hour the opportunity to help others to understand the Law. And how can I put the words in your mouths that you should give to others if the ideas are not first within your mind and heart? And how will the ideas be anchored in your outer consciousness unless you yourself by application place them there?

And so there is a need in this second eleven-year cycle that is now beginning in the fulfillment of the divine plan of The Summit Lighthouse activity for students and staff members to concentrate on illumination’s flame, to become walking, living encyclopedias of the wisdom of the Law. When you thus have in your consciousness the precepts that have been given, more can be added unto you; but if you fail to multiply these talents, then that which you have must be taken from you. This is the Law. It is impersonal; and because it is impersonal, you cannot expect to be exempted from it simply because you consider yourselves to be the called and the elect.

It may come to pass that an Ascended Master may intercede for you that mercy might be granted for a time for you to be given more illumination; but the time must come if you fail to use it that it is cut off from you. And when I say use it, I mean put it into practice. Demonstrate the Law in your daily lives, in your conversation, in your actions, in your speech, in your walk, in your movements. So let grace abound, the grace of the only begotten Son of the Father, the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 16 No. 11 - Beloved Lady Master Leto - March 18, 1973

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