The Dawning of Your God Reality #4
I Shall Kindle!
I Wait, I Tap My Foot
O Pillars of Fire in the Earth, Increase!
Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1993:
The All-Seeing Eye of God
Let the bells ring!
Let them ring in the steeple of the heart!
Let them ring throughout the earth!
For the Light of God does pierce the night,
does pierce the division and bring all to resolution.
And the cycles unfold–
And the year approaches and it is upon us.
I AM your Gautama Buddha.
I come in the flame of joy,
For this is the tradition of our lineage–
joy by the fire of the heart
and the bells that ring in the cathedral of the heart.
O beloved, there is joy in the heart of the earth!
There is joy in your threefold flame!
Joy shall rule the earth this day,
For I have come and I am in the heart of all
And I will not stand for the doom and gloom of the world.
Nay, I will take you, I will mold you, I will prepare you!
Receive me now!
Oh, come closer, beloved!
Be willing to come to the fount of my heart.
Be not afraid.
For I give you back your identity
and take from you only the shadowed rags
that should long ago have been consumed.
I AM in the heart of the Western Shamballa.
I AM in the heart of the earth.
And I have come with a kindling fire, truly a kindling fire.
And what shall I kindle?
I shall kindle the debris that it be not there on the morrow.
I shall kindle the heart of Love.
I shall kindle! For that is my calling.
Will you kindle also, my loves?
So be seated now.
How shall we ponder the weighty matters of the year?
Well, we shall indeed ponder them, pound them, pummel them and place them where they belong, in the sacred fire of the Sacred Heart of God, and then receive again the return, fashioned as it was in the Beginning.
This old world can be righted, but I must have pillars of fire who will to be righted! And I call upon you to be those pillars wherever you hail from, wherever you take [in your hand] the soil beneath your feet and say:
This is the place I call home, where I plant my feet and where I invoke my God and where I look to the rising of the sun and the great Maltese cross of Saint Germain. This is the place that is my center of the universe. And from this point of my heart, the central sun of my being, I send forth rays of light piercing the night!
[That night] is illusion, beloved. It is maya!
Therefore pierce it and see the reality of the New Day.
See the reality of thine own path.
See the reality of the sun.
See the reality of the beating heart of God within you!
O mighty breath of Life–breath of Life, oh yes, immortal fire, kindle! Kindle souls in the earth.
Right them, O Lord Sanat Kumara!
O Cosmic Beings of Light who attend this evolution’s victory: Hear my call in the name of those who gather here and there and in the Himalayas, yes, here and there in the earth where those who recite my mantras and the mantras of those of this lineage gather.
So, Cosmic Beings, take note. For the devotees come, the devotees ennoble life. The devotees would know the fire of Love’s giving– Love’s giving of self that receives the Great God Self again and again and again as the giving goes out and the giving returns and the fashioning of a soul become a God does take place before the very eyes of the bodhisattvas, the bhikkhus and the nuns as well.
O devotees of Light in the earth, be quickened, then, for you have not known the direct fire of my heart. For you have been kept apart from me by a [2,500-year-old Buddhist orthodox tradition] that is no longer satisfying nor complete, for we have moved beyond, incorporating [the corpus of the Buddha], refining [the flour], kneading the dough. And now the bread [of doctrine] is baked.
And so you are given a piece of a loaf. Take it, then. Take each and every crumb and know that the teachings of the Buddha move on, the teachings of Sanat Kumara move on. And you move on, beloved, and you are grateful to be delivered of old years and crusty mold and all that has held you back.
The fire of Love sweeps [across the plains] in the wake of the Christmas wind and the fire of the new year is upon all. Yes, it shall be a year of fire!
And now there is handed to me the scroll of the thoughtform of the year 1993, as you calculate the cycles. So this thoughtform, beloved, is unmistakable and clear. This single thoughtform is being multiplied a billion times everywhere! You will not turn a foot in time or space without this thoughtform being present.
It is the All-Seeing Eye of God, beloved–the most needed faculty of Divine Love on the part of every person and those who have not yet personhood but must win it through their own Christ Self and Inner Buddha.
I AM the Lord of the World. Therefore I have something to say this night to the evolutions of earth. The [thoughtform of the] All-Seeing Eye of God is given that you might see, that you might open your eyes, that you might look through the single eye of God and know what is real and what is unreal, what is the illusion that leads you astray and what is the path that is real and necessary for your fulfillment.
The question you must ask, beloved, regarding [every step you take on] your path, each and every one of you, citizens of earth, is: “Is it necessary, is it required? Or is it not?”
Follow the path that is necessary. Follow the path that is the requirement for your victory, for your God-mastery. Set aside the path that does not lead you toward this goal but only to the goal of ego-satisfaction. You will take a long detour if you continue on this path, my beloved ones, and I speak to all who gather everywhere to hear my message.[1]
I speak to a world, then: Your time is limited. Your space is limited. Stop your dallying, for that dalliance will cost you and cost you the ultimate price!
This is an hour for the concentration in the heart of hearts–the heart of hearts of the Lord Sanat Kumara. This is a moment for the concentration of the very essence of your being–concentration, beloved, that you might discover how much of yourself is in this moment the concentrated essence of the Great God Being and how much of the rest that remains is but the entrapments, the accoutrements of the illusionary cycles.
You do not need to fulfill illusion! You do not need to fulfill illusion but you do need to fulfill reality!
What, then, is Reality?
Reality is, first and foremost, freedom.
It is beauty.
It is industriousness.
It is science.
Reality is sensitivity to all life, allowing one’s self that is God to flow into all life as the ebb and flow of the tide and to return again with the messages of millions.
You think this is only the path of a Buddha or an advanced Bodhisattva. I tell you nay! If you think this, you are simply postponing the day [of heightened sensitivity to all life]. You need not be complete or an adept. You simply need a fiery heart of Love. And I will supply it! Therefore you have no excuse that you might say, “I have not a fiery heart of Love.”
Well, I tell you, the God who lives and breathes within you the sacred fire breath does have that mighty fiery heart of Love! And out of that fount of Love there pours forth reality. And the all-consuming Love that does receive the return of the tide to the center of being does also transmute that world energy of burden and sorrow [that the tide brings in]–frivolousness and all that goes with the human experience.
O pillars of fire in the earth, increase! increase!I command all devotees unto the thirty-third level of the etheric octave of the heaven-world. I command you: Increase the pillar of fire that you are! Increase the heart of fire! Let Love and Love’s reward come to you–Love’s enlightenment, Love’s cause for being.
All that is truth is Reality and all that you are in Reality is living truth. This is Christ in you: definite, real, appearing, manifest, specific and carefully sculpted by the Divine Mind.
I do not speak of ethereal things! I speak of things that are concrete and yet eternal, that far surpass the paltry–and the goals of life are paltry when limited to the development of the human potential.
Let God-potential be yours by development, by pursuit, surely by a steadfastness that stems from the fire that you hear and see. Yes, you do! You see me at inner levels. Your soul does behold me and I impress upon your soul the image of your own Buddhahood. I impress it upon you. For we [who are of the octaves of Light] have come one after the other over the years to impress upon you that real God-Eye identity.
And now that real God Eye shall be with you and over you. It shall uncover all things and secret places. None shall hide. For the thoughtform of the All-Seeing Eye of God is more than a thoughtform. It is the presence of the living God in the earth.
Yes, God has taken up his abode in the earth. You may say, “When has he not?” Well, I will tell you when he has not. He has removed himself at times when none have kept the flame. Yes, God in the Personal Personality of manifestation may remove himself or center and concentrate himself wheresoe’er he will. Thus, by the presence of the Eye of God you know that your God is present, even the Mighty I AM Presence.
And what will you do, children of Israel, when you are naughty and the I AM THAT I AM does come by the Law to deliver upon you your karma?
Where is your Moses, who shall plead for you and defend you?
Where, I say?
Well, your Moses is in your Holy Christ Self. Your Moses is in your Messenger, who does plead for you night and day before the altar of God in and out of the body. Yes, beloved, those who know the way of Hierarchy know that, above all, those on the Path require the mercy of God.
Therefore, you who have turned aside from the dazzling Light of your I AM Presence (for it is too bright for your corner where you have found your niche of comfortability), I say to you: You shall not escape the All-Seeing Eye of God nor God himself! For the Mighty I AM Presence has come down to say to you:
“What? What is this trifling? What is this trifling in the human consciousness and all of its meandering ways in the delta of human existence? What is this?”
Come, then! Rise to the level of your Christhood and let your identity be saved! For how else shall you be saved, wandering here and there in the dimensions of your own puny human consciousness?
It will not work. It has never worked! Therefore, step out of the old mold, as has been said.[2]The command went forth. Yes, indeed it went forth. But did you step out of the old mold?
I say, not entirely. Therefore stand on your feet!
[Congregation stands.]
Step out of the old mold that I may speak to you in the mold of your Christhood now! For I shall not tarry forever with this evolution. Therefore, have the sense of time!
Now make your fiat and say: In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I step out of the old mold! And then step aside and look at it, beloved–one last longing glance–until my salamanders come and consume it that you might not step back into it. You may re-create it, but you will not step again into that same mold that you step out of now.
Now let’s see you do it in my presence since you have not done it apart from my presence.
[Congregation gives the fiat and then steps aside:]
In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I step out of the old mold!
Come quickly, fiery salamanders, for I cannot bear the stench of the old mold any longer! Therefore quickly consume it now ere we all suffocate from the toxins! So be it!
Be seated and know that the old mold is an offense to the angels of Gautama Buddha. Yes, beloved, now come into your own. This is a day and hour when you must decide.
Have you heard those words before?
Are you tired of them?
Well, I tell you, be not weary. For if you have not made your decision, I say, you had better make it now. For you do not know what the challenges of the new year and the remainder of the decade shall be.
I come to prepare you and I come to speak to you in the West as I speak easily to my disciples in the East, for they are used to the gruffness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They know the way of the Eastern Gurus and they know the way of the fierceness of a Bodhidharma, a Padma Sambhava, a Lao Tzu and a Confucius. They know the way of the fierceness of that mighty golden emperor.[3]
Oh yes, beloved, [in the past] those [Gurus] who came to take souls to God did not have the opportunity to offer their chelas the current dispensation of the 51 percent.[4]Therefore they led them in the way of the balancing of 100 percent of their karma. And they worked with them that they might accomplish this, if at all possible, in a single lifetime, in [what was to be their] final embodiment, when every step and every thought and deed must count for entering in to the divine matrix.
Poor humanity, poor children of God, so burdened and so suffocated by the stench of your own karma and the densification and calcification of that karma that finally even the Lords of Karma and the Four and Twenty Elders did take mercy upon you and give you that dispensation of the 51 percent!
And what has happened since then?
Some who have known of this [dispensation], who could therefore become masters of their destiny, yet take it for granted and are as spoiled children. Well, I might as well get out my paddle and give you your New Year’s Eve spanking, for the babe of the New Year can receive that spanking now.
So take it, beloved, for it is the fire of my heart that does impel you into the majestic geometry of who you really are here and now! I am not speaking of some lofty other world that you cannot contact! I say, you, as Gods in the flesh, do have that matrix if you would but bestir yourselves to manifest it.
Beware, beloved, for I come on the heels of almighty beings of Love and I AM the compassionate Buddha of Love. And with me come Maitreya, the mighty Buddha of eternal kindness, and Manjushri, the mighty tutor of your souls.
So the Buddhas come! And they are enfired with the fire of Sanat Kumara, who has sent us all to let you know that we expect a little more effort! We expect that you will do better and not repeat the same old round as though you were the deer in the forest turning round and round, nestling down to the same bed that you have nestled into for thousands of years by habit. You are not creatures of habit! You are creatures of the Divine Buddha, and you have come from far-off worlds and, indeed, trailing clouds of glory!
Let that glory descend now! Fear not to let go of that old self! And do not react when I send my Messenger to rebuke you, for I will not allow the fire to be withheld from you any longer lest you be totally unprepared for the day of the spiritual trial by fire[5]that is indeed far greater than the fire that comes to bring you the suffering of physical loss. Yes, beloved, I seek the ones who are tired of waiting to become the adepts on the Path and who will now set aside their garments for the higher way.
Now you may speak to your Lord Sanat Kumara from your heart, as you have spoken to him in your letters.[6]Speak from your heart and speak to him and tell him your response to my call. [Congregation speaks to Sanat Kumara from their hearts and gives their response to Gautama Buddha’s call.]
Yes, I do watch. I do wait. I do tap my foot as I wait, as I see that the nations of the earth are doing nothing–nothing of substance [...]
Yes, beloved, I tap my foot, I wait. And those of the world do not move. They are surfeited. They are surfeited in their momentums of darkness and satiated with their pleasures and desires. They are not fit to rule an anthill, I tell you, let alone their own backyard or the hemisphere!
I wait, I tap my foot.
What shall be done regarding the war on drugs and all that pours into the bellies and the minds of the children and the wombs of the mothers?
Yes, I wait, I tap my foot. And I come to my own and I say: You have the potential to call down the fire of God. Do not be insulated! The world is yours to claim. The world is yours to defend. And you have [the decree whereby you can] call for Divine Justice [to be meted] upon those who do not care for those who suffer in the earth.
Well, beloved, yours is the responsibility to call down the [sacred] fire of God to make things right. Therefore you yourselves, as you have been told, are considered to be representatives of the people in the spiritual domain, just as your representatives in your state legislatures and in your Congress in Washington and across the nations [are the representatives of the people in the domain of earth]. Yes, beloved, as they are responsible at the physical and mental levels, so you share equal and greater responsibility at the spiritual level.
Therefore know what is happening and give your fiats to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord.[7]I wonder how you can weary [in well doing][8]and cease your calls when there are so many, many crises in the earth and so much suffering. Wake up, I say! Wake up!
What have we created here? An island of insulation whereby you may simply say, “We are here on the mountain, far, far removed from these burdens”?
Well, you are not far from the beating of the heart of the little bird. You are not far from the beating of the heart of the little child in the womb [...], in the heart of the mother who has lost everything.
Yes, beloved, your heart is one with the hearts of the world, with the heart of the Christ and the heart of the Buddha, and your sensitivities must increase lest you fail at the level which is expected of you. Yes, we expect you to make the call–not to work [at the altar] until you drop but to simply offer [God] the prayer of the heart, the prayer of the lips and the direction of your life.
This is no time for fooling around, I say. We will march into this year! And I will tell you something. I will no longer tap my foot waiting for the responses. I will take my rod and I will poke this one and that one and the next one and the millions, and they shall know it! For I tell you, the karma shall increase in this year! It shall increase for those who do not exercise their lawful responsibilities [that are meet] at their level of evolution.
So know it, beloved. I have said it. And do not direct your anger against this karma descending upon you. Do not direct it against God or God’s representatives in heaven and on earth, but run to consume that potential for anger against God and replace it with love, your love for having received a chastening from the Lord Gautama Buddha–because I love you. For there can only be chastening when there is a love relationship. And mind you, I have not severed my tie to any of the evolutions of the earth, for I am in that vein of the path of the Buddhas who have preceded me.
Therefore know, beloved, that I speak to one and to all, and the love that I bring is the love that begets responsibility. Let all know that each and every year brings the next level of opportunity and the next level of responsibility! You cannot simply take from your shoulders that cape of responsibility and set it aside and say, “Well, I will do what I choose to do,” and have that devil-may-care attitude.
Yes, beloved, I am speaking personally into the heart of every lifestream that is in embodiment upon earth. I am speaking to those preparing to embody and those who are leaving the screen of life. For I am the Lord of the World of all evolutions of the earth in all octaves whatsoever. I am simultaneously speaking at the thirty-third level of the astral plane and the very pit of Death and Hell. I stand there, beloved, and I speak! And I speak to every level [of consciousness] in all existence. I speak to the hearts and souls of all.
Hear me, then! Realize the potential that is in you now,for you have the seed of the Buddha. Realize it carefully. And in that same now, that Eternal Now, leap forward to the point of the future Buddha you shall be. And there in that point of God-realization, meditate on what you shall become. And then return to the point of the seed and build the foundations and the nucleus for that which is to come.
All-Seeing Eye of God, penetrate every nook and cranny and every corner–All-Seeing Eye of God!
I am wiping the forehead of each one on earth who is on a spiritual path that is real, that is true, that is sponsored under Sanat Kumara, and I take a very small portion of the dullness from each one. It is very slight, beloved, for the adjustment to seeing through the third eye is very great and I do not recommend that you force it.
Rather let the All-Seeing Eye of God be upon you and be a beacon in the night to show you the way, for you will not desire to see Death and Hell once you have seen the heaven-world. [Nevertheless,] you cannot see the above unless you see the beneath. Therefore guard the sealing of the chakras until God does use them to show you a vision and a calling and a direction and the way in which you must go. [5-second pause]
Now in this moment, beloved, upon all the earth there does descend a fine powder. It is a dust of karma. It is a small amount, but unto every creature it comes. The entire earth receives this. It is ahead of the Dark Cycle of April 23. It comes [at the turning of the cycle of the New Year], beloved.
You who have the violet flame may transmute it ere this conference concludes. Be grateful that you know of the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word. You may call on behalf of earth and her evolutions but, as you know, it is lawful for you to call [only on behalf of] Lightbearers. Not all of your calls will be answered, for all must deal with a slight weight of responsibility and get used to that weight [and the descent of] the fine powder, [the dust of karma,] each twenty-third of the month.
Why, beloved?
Because you must be prepared for greater things to come, far more difficult hurdles and problems in the earth body.
All things are not fulfilled and there are some which as of the tolling of the bell of the new year will not be set aside. There do remain any number of matters which have been called to your attention again and again that may yet be mitigated.
What rejoicing that during this conference you have the opportunity for twenty-four hours [of violet flame] in the aura of Omri-Tas![9]Make the most of these for yourselves, your Church and earth’s evolutions. For each and every third of the month, beloved, is the opportunity for transmutation of the prior cycle of the descent of the dust [of karma] and for preparation for that which will come on the next twenty-third.
You can make it, beloved, if you pursue with all diligence the next step. But I caution you in this hour: Do not think that you can enter this year at the same level you have been in the past year or in the previous year, and so on. This year demands that you step up spiritually one foot, by the measurement of twelve inches. You see, it takes a little effort to step up a step that is a foot high. Yes, it will take effort. It will take saneness of mind and not insanity that takes you here and there and pulls you all over the place when there is one place to be: the place of the Buddha in your heart.
Defend this Community with the living life of the fountain of your heart. Defend Community! Remember how the Tibetan community has been ravaged! Remember how rare have been the communities since the sinking of the continent of Atlantis, communities that have succeeded and produced ascensions that could justify the continuity of the rounds of earth. Too few, beloved.
Remember the ravaging and the destruction of Crotona. Remember the loss of the knights of the Round Table. Remember the loss of that mystery school. Remember, beloved, what it takes to produce Community. Then position yourself as you are able.
Do not judge your ability, I urge you, according to the current levels of your positioning of the psyche, but measure your ability according to the spirit that does soar with the eagles, the spirit that is real, that inhabits this temple and beats your heart. Measure your ability by a standard that is worthy of you and not beneath you or me.
I AM Gautama Buddha. I have many unpleasant tasks before me this year as I deal with the adjudication of Divine Justice in human affairs. Yes, I have many unpleasant tasks, and to a number of these I send my ascended and unascended bodhisattvas and angels of Light. Many messages shall be delivered to millions of lifestreams upon earth. These messages will be for many a final warning or a final call.
Yes, the cycles are accelerating and concluding. Doors are closing. Doors are opening. May you not be caught in the revolving door of the revolving human consciousness.
Yes, arise and shine, and let the Light of Sanat Kumara be upon you. Be prepared for anything in the peace-commanding presence of the heart infused with love and allegiance to the will of God. You will not fail any test unless you decide to fail it by some orneriness or ignore-ance of the law of your own being.
Now I open to you the vastness of all ages past, present and future for a moment’s glimpse. And in that glimpse, as in the clicking of the shutter of a camera, you have recorded [in your mind’s eye] now scenes of yourself in many climes and places, ages, civilizations high and low, planetary systems. This is a night to assess oneself, one’s God, one’s goal, then to set the jaw and move in that direction and never look back to the old mold.
Now all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the lineage of Sanat Kumara salute you, each one, and send you mighty love.
I AM your Gautama. Forget not to include me in your life. For I am your life, inasmuch as I am the keeper of the flame that burns on the altar of your heart, and I send the thread of Light to sustain it when you are careless and do not guard it.
Yes, I AM the Lord of the World and I am grateful to be of service to the great Atman within you and to your soul and to you personally and to who you are and what you can and shall be. For I decree it! You shallbecome who you are! I decree it in God’s name and you may affirm it:
Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM!
[Congregation gives the affirmation:]
Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM!
Let your words be the final words you have spoken in the old year, for with them you have bridged the new year.
My peace I leave with you. Keep the peace!
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 36 No. 4 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 24, 1993
This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in a candlelight vigil on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 1992.
[1] Traditionally on New Year’s Eve, Ascended Masters and tens of thousands of unascended souls gather in the etheric amphitheater at the Royal Teton Retreat to hear the New Year’s Eve address of Gautama Buddha. The message is broadcast at inner levels to devotees around the world.
[2] “Step out of the old mold.” See Omri-Tas, 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 64, p. 722.
[3] The “golden emperor” is a reference to Huang-ti, the Yellow Emperor, who is believed to have ruled China from 2696 to 2598 b.c. According to tradition, he reigned over a golden age and was one of the founders of Taoism. The classic Chinese treatise the Nei Ching (also called The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine) is attributed to him. The Messenger has taught on the Yellow Emperor in her lecture series How You Can Celebrate Your Immortality Every Day of Your Life. (See 1992 PoW, vol. 37, no. 7, p. 73 n. 10.)
[4] “Current dispensation of the 51 percent.” In the past, individuals were required to balance 100 percent of their karma while still in embodiment in order to make their ascension. Under the new dispensation of the Aquarian age, granted by the Lords of Karma in this century, individuals may ascend after balancing 51 percent of their karma; they must balance the remaining 49 percent from inner levels.
[5] Spiritual trial by fire. Mal. 3:1-3; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13.
[6] Traditionally on New Year’s Eve, students of the Ascended Masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board. See 1992 PoW, p. 72 n. 1.
[7] Fiats to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49 and 65, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32.
[8] Gal. 6:9; II Thess. 3:13.
[9] Omri-Tas’ Violet Flame Day on the third of each month. See 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 65,pp. 749-50; and 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 8, 37, 64, pp. 78, 84 n. 1, 485-86, 722, 724.