The Chela and the Path - Letter X

Chelas Suspended in the Grid of Cosmic Consciousness:

See yourself jumping on the trampoline of God’s mind. See yourself bouncing on the grid of energy that is pure intelligence–translucent, glistening cords intermeshed for the interplay of identities in and through the mind that is God. Yes, see yourself turning somersaults in your etheric body, performing the gymnastics of mind and soul that lead to total self-identification with the being and consciousness that is God.

I would move the mind of the chela into cosmic dimensions of selfhood, and thus I give a visualization to stretch your imagination. Let the ball of identity bounce from the confines of the flesh. Let it leave the body and return at will, as a ball[1]bouncing across the miles of Terra, moving as a nucleus of energy over the surface of the earth, then bouncing into outer space, spanning the space between planets.

Let yourself bounce across the cosmic highways and in and out of the planes of Matter. So the ball of self is free to explore a cosmos; and though a million light-years away on etheric planes of consciousness, it can return in the twinkling of an eye to body temple and body consciousness evolving on Terra.

Free your mind to be everywhere in the consciousness of God. Free your mind to roam his mind. Free your desires to merge with God’s desiring to be, and let your desires take on the desires of infinity. Deity sires creation. And the siring is the desiring of God to be more of himself. Thus the soul desires to be more of God, and rightfully so. How to achieve that goal is the subject of chelaship.

To be a chela on the path of realizing a cosmic selfhood, you must train the mind to be free, to explore, and to discover self on many planes of being, to move with dexterity up and down the ladder of God’s cosmic consciousness as the astronaut preparing for the walk in outer space, inner space. So you must become accustomed to penetrating life beyond the planet and then returning to the plane of practicality, of physicality, where you come to grips with keeping your accounts in order, keeping your house neat and clean, keeping your schedules, and keeping the balance in your relationship of employer and employee, husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter.

The farther you would go from your point of individuality in Matter, the more tethered you must be to that point. Self-discipline in the law of everyday living, obedience to the laws of God and man, exactness in detail, precision in the precepts of the Logos and of the Mother–these prepare your soul and your consciousness to expand and to reach out for the coordinates of the higher geometry of selfhood. Moving from plane to plane, the requirements of the law are more demanding; and thus the mastery of the self here below is necessary for the mastery of the self in the vast beyond.

Preparation is all. Prepare to meet thy God. Prepare to meet the flaming yod. Prepare to enter into the within. Prepare for the fling from the within to the without. God is all. He is the All-in-all. The path of the chela is the path whereby the all becomes the All.

I have spoken of the atoms of selfhood reinforcing one another in time and space whose light bodies are a momentum for the balance of planetary karma. I have spoken of the need for nuclei of souls gathering unto themselves skeins of light, reinforcing one another’s light momentum. The hallowed circle of the AUM is formed as chelas of the Ascended Masters assemble to affirm God-victory now, to affirm with him: “I AM the light of the world: he that followeth me [the light of the Christ which I AM] shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”[2]

The voice of the Master echoes in the memory of every devotee of the flame: “I say unto you, if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”[3]This is the hallowed circle of the AUM.

Chelas must magnetize one another in the flame of God. Chelas must come together for service beneath his rod. In every city where there are found chelas of the will of God, let them come together in the Master’s name. Let them come together to agree upon earth that the light of the eternal Christos shall be victorious in this age and that there shall be an imploding and an exploding of that light in the hearts of all mankind. Even as the Christ comes into each heart arrayed in his immortal light body, let the gathering of the elect be the gathering of electrons to welcome the Lord Christ in the midst of the circle of the AUM.

Many years ago the fiat went forth from Lord Maitreya, the representative of the Cosmic Christ, that invocations offered unto Almighty God and the heavenly hosts in the name of the Christ and in the name of the I AM Presence would be answered by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. This means that every invocation given in the power of the spoken Word unto the Lord, or law, of your being is multiplied by cosmic forces, and the earth receives the light impact of that call one hundred million times its original release.

This geometric formula is also multiplied by the square of the number of individuals who come together to give invocations in the name of the I AM Presence. Whereas the individual who decrees alone (albeit all one with God the I AM Presence) has the momentum of one, and although one is indeed a majority with God, when two or three come together in the name of the Christ, the light-action of the two is squared to the momentum of four, the light-action of the three is squared to the momentum of nine, and so forth, until the light-action of the ten is squared to equal one hundred and the one hundred is squared to equal ten thousand. This is the multiplication of the Lord’s body and the geometrization of his consciousness on earth as it is in heaven.

And so by cosmic law, chelas of the will of God and of the Ascended Masters ought not to let any thing, any one, or any circumstance deter them from coming together on a regular basis for the giving-forth of their energies in invocations and decrees to the sacred fire for the alleviation of world conditions–for the transmutation of pain and sorrow, death and dying. As those who come together each week consecrate their energies in service to the Ascended Masters, their counterparts among the angelic hosts gather to blend their voices with the unascended chelas and to multiply the momentum as below, so above.

Those who have been a part of the group decree sessions that have been held over the years in many cities across this land and throughout the world can know with a certainty that by constancy in the flame you have kept the light momentum necessary for the holding of the balance in your communities, in your states, in your nations, and even on a world scale.

Now in view of the report from the Karmic Board which has gone forth to the Keepers of the Flame in a recent dictation given by the Great Divine Director, I ask that chelas associated with our groups make a pledge to Saint Germain and to the Lords of Karma to come together in group decree sessions on a regular basis without fail and that you set aside a morning, an afternoon, or an evening each week which you never miss except in the case of a dire emergency.

In view of world conditions–the threat of war in the Middle East, the threat of mass starvation and even social, economic, and physical cataclysm–the legions of light from cosmic levels have come forth to form nuclei of energy, forcefields through which an intense release of energy from the spiritual to the material universe can occur. These forcefields are being set up over every focus of the Ascended Masters, wherever there are chelas who gather together in the name of the Christ for service to hierarchy and to the cause of freedom. These grids of light are set up to match the pattern of your own forcefield below, and the geometry is exact.

Therefore we must know whom we can count upon at every hour of the day or night. Thus whether you are alone in your service or (preferably) are joining the ranks of Lightbearers, will you write down the day, the hour, and the place of your coming together–marking the time when your invocations will begin and end–so that hierarchy may implement this plan for the reinforcement of your invocations and decrees and for the uniting of these nuclei by lines of force, by the thread of contact, by the web of light that has been called the antahkarana of world servers.

This antahkarana, an energy field of the mind of God itself, is designed to connect hearts of light the planet round so that at any hour of the day or night children of the light may tune into the Lord’s hosts, to legions of light, and to the momentum of the Christ consciousness garnered in the individual and the group matrix. And every soul who commits himself to be a part of this chain of hierarchy may also find himself strengthened in an hour of testing by the unified consciousness of all chelas on the path.

Only those who sustain a momentum of service and keep the flame of their hour will remain a part of this chain of oneness. Those who fail in their commitment will find that by cosmic law the angelic hosts will withdraw and for their lack of constancy the grid will dissolve.

It would be best for you to commit yourself to the minimum service of which you are capable, that which by the measure of your past performance you are certain of maintaining. Then you can and should augment your service whenever possible. Thus you will always be certain of keeping your promise to the hosts of the Lord. Do not keep them waiting; for they, too, have commitments, and they wait upon the Lord their God as flaming spirits[4]tending the altars of the Most High according to cosmic cycles that are for the measuring of increments of eternity.

The giving of Mother Mary’s Scriptural Rosary for the New Age, which the Blessed Mother dictated to our Messenger,[5]and Jesus’ Vigil of the Hour “Watch With Me” is indeed of utmost importance in sustaining a planetary forcefield of light as well as the nuclei sun centers. These, together with daily invocations to the hierarchies of light and the flames of God as they are given in your Invocations and Decrees for Keepers of the Flame, produce the action that the great law requires for the holding of the balance in time of personal and planetary transition.

Of such import has been the coming-together of devotees of light down through the ages that when The Summit Lighthouse was founded, I set the pattern of the quarterly conferences for the anchoring of the cycles of the year. By coming together four times a year to give and receive, chelas of the Ascended Masters render an incomparable service to the Great White Brotherhood. If you could behold our quarterly conferences from the inner planes, you would observe how the chelas build the forcefield in the physical plane by their devotions and by their oneness and how hierarchy lowers a grid that is the mandala for that class in the etheric plane over the physical place where the class is held.

The mandala is like a snowflake–unique in its design, never seen before, never to appear again. This geometric design suspended over the group is the focal point in which the energies of the group coalesce to magnetize, as a magnet of light, the releases of the Ascended Masters that are planned by the Karmic Board for that particular conference. Each lecture that is scheduled and each dictation that is given fills in a portion of the mandala, and the application of the students intensifies the action of the sacred fire that can be released to the planet.

Our conferences are held for the turning of the cycles of the year–winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, and autumn equinox. The physical changes occur prior to the conference and the light released from the hierarchies of the sun at the change of the seasons is then expanded by ascended and unascended beings serving together at the conferences for the fulfillment of a cosmic purpose on earth as it is in heaven.

Whenever possible, you should seize the opportunity to attend such a conference. What’s more, you should make possible the impossible through the alchemy of invocation to your own God Being. Not only are these conferences the most important experience of a lifetime in terms of the expansion of conscious­ness and the transmutation of untold substance in your world, but your willingness to serve as a coordinate on earth for the hierarchies of light will earn for you a momentum of good karma that you can ill afford to be without.

God needs man and man needs God. This is the law of the hallowed circle of the AUM. And when you find yourself standing in that circle, ever-widening, that is formed for the final release of the Lord of the World to the devotees at the conclusion of a conference, you will know that all that I have told you is indeed true; and by the thread of contact with hierarchy which you have established, your life will never be the same.

Because of the increase of planetary levels of effluvia and of the descent of world karma in the Dark Cycle, our Messenger has undertaken a program of weekend seminars scheduled between the quarterly conferences. These, too, are crystalline mandalas–jewels of perfection formed by the chelas working in consonance with the Ascended Masters.

Hierarchy bids you welcome into the flame of oneness where you will see and behold with the eyes of the soul how the Messenger becomes the focal point for the offering of the energies of the group unto the hosts of the Lord and for the receiving of the word, the energy, the radiation, and the teaching of the Great White Brotherhood not only for those gathered but for all mankind, for all time and space. This is indeed the miracle of the age–the miracle of the transfer of cosmic energies and cosmic momentums through the power of the spoken Word.

Come and see. Come and see the place where the Word is made flesh[6]within you. Come and see the place where your soul, as a sphere of light, bounces on the trampoline of God’s mind.

I look forward to greeting you personally through the Messenger who focuses the feminine aspect of my being in form.

El Morya


[1] A blue ball–the size used in the game of jacks.

[2] John 8:12.

[3] Matt. 18:19-20.

[4] Pss. 104:4.

[5] Mary’s rosaries–one for each morning of the week and one for Sunday evening–are given in their entirety in My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord! Revelations of Mary the Mother of Jesus to the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, published by The Summit Lighthouse.

[6] John 1:14.

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