"May You Pass Every Test!"
You speak as I am speaking now
by Saint Germain
Devotees of the flame of my heart, I hear you! And I AM here—not there, but here—here at the nexus of that cross of white fire, here where time and space meet and cancel each other out.
Here I AM in the heart of infinity. And where the divine spark is, there is infinity. Therefore, I greet you as the Infinite One and as infinite ones—one times one times one, ever the Infinite One.
Therefore, let the great circle of our oneness and our love cancel out all division, all misunderstanding, all ignorance, and every false testimony as in the case of the blind men and the elephant—all giving varied reports of the same spectacle but never arriving at the point of Reality that is the heart: heart perspective!
I call you to that point. For centered in your heart, which is becoming my heart day by day, you can see all things as they are. For the true perspective of wisdom, anointed with love, enfired with the will to be all that God is, and blessed with the purity of the Mother—what else can there be out of this than the crystal prism?
I See Your Perspective of Freedom and I Come to Give You Another
Behold, I make all things new by the flame of the heart, by the vision of the heart, by the wisdom of the heart that is the endless stream of the endless Source.
O my beloved, I am come and I am joyous to be here, joyous to bask in the light of Helios and your own hearts’ dear love. I see your perspective of freedom and I come therefore to give you another.
May you pass every test!
Beloved hearts, in my retreat this is the salutation upon meeting and parting—not “God bless you,” but “May you pass every test!” Is this not commendable and noteworthy of the devotees of my heart who are determined to follow in my footsteps, not to make a rut in the road of life but rather to secure what the master has gained? A worthy cause indeed!
Beloved ones, I come to present to you, then, a crash course in passing every test. [applause]
Thank you, beloved ones, let us begin. For I am determined that this trek upward shall have been worth every inconvenience and every penny! [applause]
You remember the joke that is told by Morya and Kuthumi making their treks to the home of light, to the feet of the masters—Morya being so intense about getting there and Kuthumi a bit more peaceful. And when they had arrived and when they had returned, for all of the perspiration and energy expended by Morya, it was Kuthumi who retained the message of the master.
Thus, in all of your experiencing of the Path and all of that energy expended in getting here, I desire that the stillness of the moment shall provide you with a heart’s cup worth of flame and light and truly a blessing untold. It is my determination—because you love and love again and because you are determined—that you shall not return to your homes the same as when you arrived! But you shall truly find yourself a new creature after the violet flame.
The Reward for Love Is Great
Beloved ones, the reward for love is great. But those who deserve it often do not receive it because they are the ones who are the busy ones or the fighters—driving, working, serving.
And therefore, let us pause together. Let us be still, then, in these lower vehicles and let us feel the chakras shining as the seven Elohim, shining as the sun and the stars!
Let us expand consciousness now. Let us increase the circle of the aura. Let us realize that we are not these lower bodies but we are God-free beings using these vehicles to accomplish an end.
The means is not the goal, but the end is the star itself appearing. And therefore, let us not allow our ways and means to compromise the goal or to cause us to tarry or lose sight of the goal.
The goal is the star appearing, the star of Aquarius that has appeared over the sun of my birth.
O beloved ones, the true star is the herald of the coming of the devotee, the mighty I AM Presence of each one. Remember your star! And remember the star appeared in the hour of your physical birth. Should it not appear now in the hour of your new birth in the living Christ—Christ of Aquarius, Christ of Pisces, Christ of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun?
All of these you are internalizing as the magnificence of the Great God Flame.
The Course of Perfecting the Human Is Not the Way of Overcoming
God in you is able! But do not, I pray you, adorn the human self, which the mortal is. As the grass, it is here today and gone tomorrow, and the mighty fire and the wind sweep through and it is no more.
Beloved ones, the course of perfecting the human is not the way. It is not the way of overcoming.
Thus, if you are not interested in perfecting the human, you can just right now drop that pride in your human self! Just drop it on the floor as an old garment!
Beloved ones, it is as an oily, torn undershirt that you have worn too long.
Do you not see, it does not matter? You are real God-free beings—divine beings now! You are immortal, and all else is illusion! Will you accept it? [“Yes!”]
Beloved ones, this messenger, as your Mother in form, does gaze upon you from year to year and rejoice in your victories and ofttime wonders and muses with me why, through all of the teachings given, you yet hang on to that supercilious consciousness of that human self.
You Do Not Have to Wait Until the Hour of Death to Know Eternal Life
Beloved ones, I come, therefore, to deliver this message in consultation with the messengers and Morya and Helios as well to pierce now the veil in your belief in yourself as mortals! This is my God-determination, this is God’s will, and I am here in the full force of hierarch of the Aquarian age to wipe from the very screen of life the law of mortality itself, which is the same law that sustains the serpent consciousness!
Now, do you or do you not want to continue to operate under the law of mortality with those serpents? [“No!”]
Then, I say, let us be done with it. We are free spirits. You do not have to wait until the hour of death, so-called, to know eternal life. You are eternal here and now. This place is your eternal abode, and I speak not of finite coordinates but of this place as the point of the eye of the mind of God—the seat of your consciousness.
Find that seat now. Feel it in the base of the brain and in the spine. Feel it in your heart! Feel it in your soul! Feel it in all of your being!
That which you feel is God. It is God, I tell you! It is not some combination of physical senses. Nay! That awareness of God in yourself is something above and beyond the form, yet it registers on the form. It pulsates with life in the form. But the form is always the effect and the vehicle for experiencing that consciousness that has been, always shall be, is here and now the eternal God!
Let them say what they will. I will say: Ye are gods! And all of you are sons of the Most High—brilliant sons of light!
Now let us roll up our sleeves and go about shedding all shadow that has been accepted as the singeing of the garment these long ages. Beloved ones, it is like burnt toast! You throw it out the window and let the birds have it! [applause]
May you pass every test.
Can you not see in this expression and my posture the person of Maitreya peeping through? I am his guest, speaking at his Mystery School on his behalf for his beloved and my own.
May you pass every test! It is Oriental, n’est-ce pas?
How Do We Begin to Maintain God-Control?
Beloved hearts, how do we begin? How do we begin to maintain that God-control that allows for the rhythm of God to restore the balance before the human reaction—out of fear or anger or that teetering/tottering off balance?
Beloved hearts, the components are there in the dictations, the decree book, the Keepers of the Flame lessons. But, as it always is, the more vast the compendium of knowledge, the greater the requirement of the teacher to organize.
Thus, I point to the Count-to-Nine Decree. The “Count-to-Nine” given in the full fire of your heart enables you to regain the command of your auric forcefield that has been impinged upon, pressed upon, penetrated, invaded.
Thus, understand: sometimes when you suddenly feel a disturbance—you are taken aback, you have a shock or a sudden reaction to the actions of injustice of another—one of the reasons you momentarily lose your balance is because the normal flow of the aura has been disturbed, as though you would suddenly agitate the waters.
Now, your aura is your sanctuary, and it is the sanctity of your God flame. Thus, before answering the demands of the carnal mind—the questioning, the praying for favors, or whatever—reestablish yourself. Speak quietly, softly, and slowly. For in this way, you will not engage into yourself the anger, the impetuosity, the upsetness of anyone around you.
You speak as I am speaking now: from the heart—from the seat of the heart, the point of the Buddha. You speak loud enough, in the sense of being strong and firm, so that the breath and the voice are not sinking like a shrinking violet of fear. You speak strong enough and firm enough and peaceful enough and powerful enough so that God may use your voice to still your own aura and the agitation or the fear or the excitement of another.
Be the calm presence in a vortex of calamity and activity, beloved hearts, and learn the way of the power, the immense power of peace itself. Thus, beloved ones, you ought to know by heart the Count-to-Nine Decree.
The Tests Are Flying Full and Sure
You ought to realize that in a situation of upsetness, it is necessary to take some deep breaths. For in the presence of anxiety, the heart begins to palpitate, and people begin to breathe in a short-breath manner, thus adding to the absence of control.
You take a deep breath, you release it, you go to the heart, and you give no instantaneous answers, yes or no—no instantaneous reactions or solutions—but quietly turn within. There are many ways of handling this. If someone is ferocious like a mad dog, you may say, “Wait one minute, please. I shall return momentarily.” [applause]
You see, beloved ones, the tests are flying full and sure. We want you to experience the sense of mastery, of dominion, the enormous pleasure of having finished a day and dealt with that force, that driving force of irritation, and conquered and risen above every foible of the senses directed against your heart.
They would steal your life. They would take the flow of love between us. They would break the bond by any form of anger or outrage. And they will steal from you your sense of worthiness, your sense of the mantle of being the disciple of Sanat Kumara.
When they can destroy your dignity and you begin to feel like a moth, then you will also behave like one. And till you regain your self-identity, I must pause and wait again, wondering just how long you will flit around the bulb of these serpent ones who have beguiled you into their auras momentarily.
The Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath
Thus, beloved hearts, the soft answer turneth away wrath.
If someone is speaking to you in a loud and high-pitched manner, adjust the tone and answer with the God-command. Answer with helpfulness.
Try to solve the problem. Try to show the best side of things. Provide emergency care when it is needed. Keep your wits about you. And don’t enter the vortex of another’s anxiety, else you will become confused.
Remember that anything that seeks to taunt you from the seat of the Buddha in the secret chamber of the heart must be noted as the enemy—not the person necessarily, for it is often a loved one, but the force attempting to use that one. Thus, it is your challenge to liberate that one as well as yourself from the human nonsense of the moment.
Center in the Heart and Wear Another Layer of Violet Flame
May you pass every test!
Unless you center in the heart, which is the central sun of your being, you may find yourself tumbling on the periphery of the aura, which touches the world consciousness. That point, that outer circle of the aura, should always be a very intense blue—a blue fire of protection, which is also outside the tube of light. Now you visualize the violet flame in the very center of the tube of light.
But I would make the point that when you are bristling with blue flame, this often antagonizes others because it is so powerful and brings out the worst in them. Thus, the better part of wisdom is to wear the kid glove—that is, to put another layer of violet flame outside the blue to be a calming effect, to consume that which may rub against the aura or come at you.
And if it break through the violet flame, then you have the blue-flame wall, then you have the power of the tube of light. And if diplomacy does not work, there is always the strength of the shield of Archangel Michael!
In the still and sweetness of the light, I AM come.
Are You Ready or Laid Back?
Often it is a matter of stance. How do you hold yourself? Are you in readiness for the next delivery of God or thrust of the sinister force, or are you, as they say these days, “laid-back”?
If you slouch, if you are laid-back, wide open, lounging around—the TV set is on, the ads are bombarding their rock beat, the cat is meowing, the dog is barking, the children are screaming, the phone is ringing—how do you expect, then, to keep your cool? It is a setup, but you have allowed it.
Now, you can maintain your calm in the midst of these things but not with a laid-back attitude, for any moment the potatoes on the stove will burn and everyone will be in an argument and, if you don’t watch out, yourself included.
And then what have we accomplished?—a lost hour for Saint Germain and the vital work of Helios and Vesta; your own sense, “I will never become a good chela. I will never master my life.”
But, beloved ones, it’s a matter of one, two, three, four, five—a few simple requirements: Do not allow the family to be bombarded from all directions. Do not allow all these things to be taking place at once. Strive for communion with the heart.
Feed the cat, put out the dog, turn off the TV set, make sure all is safe on the stove, and enjoy that circle of communion with God-determination that each member of your family or household or friends shall have the opportunity, by your loving presence, to express something very important from the heart.
Educate Others by Your Example
Now we come to the point of education, the education of your soul and, by your example, the education of others.
There is unseemly conversation that quickly can accelerate into argument. Avoid, then, that which is controversial when you already know you disagree on a point.
Why continue the argument? Each one having a right to his own opinion, let us discuss another avenue. For by another avenue, an approach to God or to art or to science, we may come to a point of agreement.
Not as compromise but as agreement do we build the kingdom of God. Thus, we find the fundamental points of agreement and build on these.
Whenever there is agreement in a principle of God, a nucleus is formed—a bond of love. And that bond of love actually begins to consume the area of disagreement and error that may be in the mind of your friend or may be in your own mind, for we ourselves must see our own misconceptions, n’est-ce pas?
Perhaps you have noticed on a number of occasions that by your words and actions you may have caused some great grief and burden.
You may have brought in the dark clouds through negativity, pessimism, criticism, barking and clamoring and having your way.
And on another occasion, by doing what you know so well how to do, everyone has come away feeling good, feeling satisfied, feeling equally loved and equally important, and enjoying supremely a soul-satisfying evening or experience together.
Thus, you see, the carnal mind takes pride in itself, in its ability to control and hurt and put down and best another, and to rise and puff up as the puffing up of the snake.
Go Within the Heart and Send Love to Each One
Yes, you can do these things, but heart this day is a cosmic incinerator. I admonish you to choose not to do them—to not attempt to be the most important person in the room or the one who wins all the arguments or makes all the brilliant points.
Far better to go within the heart, send love to each one, and encourage by your conversation some precious point of wisdom or expression to be forthcoming from another because you make it easy, you provide a point of relaxation and warmth. And someone who perhaps has had a much harder life than you, who has been silenced perhaps by great darkness through loved ones, can finally feel at home and free to speak without being criticized.
Beloved ones, assume that those who come to you are injured and maimed and scarred, for they are. They have been in many battles of life. If you find them ornery or thick-skinned, this is a defense mechanism they have set up for a very deep hurt. Heal the hurt, not in such an obvious manner as self-proclaiming oneself as the healer—“Now I am going to do this for you, now I am going to do that for you”—but simply do it in the quietness of your heart.
Learn to pray for people and not to prey upon them. [applause]
Apply to Almighty God for the Healing of the Soul
It is true, beloved ones. Much of the hurt, much of the cruelty expressed in the world today is the means of the individual wrapping up again and again that old wound, that sharpness.
Thus, it becomes a very important point of the Law to apply to Almighty God for the healing of one’s soul of the need to be aggressive toward any part of life.
You see, mortals have these needs, humans may have them; for both are without the divine spark. But the sons and daughters of God, the children of the light, have no need to partake in the world’s fare of psychology, just as you do not partake of the food that is served in some quarters. You have long ago transcended the need for that type of intake.
The Cause of the Failure of Many Tests
Much of the cause of your failure of many tests is that you have not stopped to rid yourself of the human habit to express that aggravation, that arrogance—all coming from the need of the carnal mind to assert itself.
It is not real! It has no power to dominate your personality! I speak directly to you, and all of you know whereof I speak! And I tell you: the promise of your ascension will never be compromised by me, but it can be compromised by your free will!
You must listen to me. There is a need to change by the will of the heart, by a heart that loves enough to change because others are still suffering from a dishonest expression that you periodically give vent to—dishonest because it does not praise God in the individual, it does not rejoice in his overcoming but still retains that defiance that will put down another.
I Champion Your Soul’s Path of Victory
Beloved hearts, I will stand, and I will stand for eternity, to champion your soul’s path of victory and the ascension.
Many of you who find yourselves in a precarious situation through your dalliance with the carnal mind may this day shed it in this heart and in my heart. For my heart is great enough, as the heart of God, to consume it all.
My heart this day is a cosmic incinerator, if you will, and it can consume if you let go. But remember, it is not a one-time event. You may decide to stop smoking now and put it into my heart, and the record will be consumed. Twenty-four hours from now you will meet the world momentum for which you have had a weakness and you will have to say:
No! Thus far and no farther! I shove you back, you nicotine entity! Be bound by the power of my heart that is one with the heart of Saint Germain! You cannot touch me, for I AM the Infinite One! I live in the heart of God. There is no time and space here, and you may not dwell in infinity! And since I do not dwell where you are, I will not smoke today or tomorrow or forever. For I am in my House of Light, and the only smoke that is here is the sweet incense of El Morya with me! [applause]
Each Time You Conceive of Sin, You Lose Protection
Thus, may you pass every test.
Understand the law I reveal to you. Sin can only be committed in a finite consciousness or in the finiteness of time and space. The moment sin is conceived, the conceiver of the sin is no longer a part of eternity.
Thus, when Archangel Michael cast out the fallen ones out of heaven, he was ratifying the law of their own being that they set in motion by the spirit of pride: “I will become as God. I will not worship the living Christ, but I will be worshiped!” This was their vow. Instantaneously, they lost the protection of the circle of the One.
Each and every time you begin to conceive of sin, an act of sin, you lose the protection of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. And you need to know when you stray from the Law of Truth.
Surrender All Desires of the Human
Beloved ones, all desires of the human that you may have in this world can be surrendered. And when they are surrendered, the divine desiring of God comes into your life.
For every human desire there is a divine desire that is legitimate, that is fulfilling, that will give to you whatever you thought you might get through human desiring but truly could never have or keep and much, much more. But it takes courage.
Cease, then, cease from toying with the idea of unreality! Cease from the idea that you have ever been enslaved. The slaves of death must live in a consciousness of death! Now let us remove the octave of the consciousness of death. Let us remove that plane. If it ceases to be, will you cease to be?
Why God Does Not Cancel Out the Astral Plane
Take the astral plane, for instance—nothing permanent, nothing reliable, all illusion, endless explorations of matter scenes that are changing like a kaleidoscope, entertaining for an “infinity” that is an imitation of the real Infinity.
The labyrinth of the human consciousness—many dwell in it. As for me, and in my life, I long ago canceled it out, and I have suffered no loss; for I had long before consumed and replaced the astral debris with the victory of the Christ consciousness.
You see why God does not cancel out the astral plane? Because a part of you is still there—records of the past, a sense of life expectancies and insurance policies and actualities and possibilities and “When I die, this will happen.”
You see, beloved ones, some people actually consider themselves evolving toward death, moving ever closer to the final experience that they dread with their whole life. Well, were we to cancel out that plane for them, so much of them would cease to be, there would be nothing left that could be transmuted and that could rise and take dominion over it!
Thus, the only place where the consciousness of death and the astral plane can be canceled out is in the point of the will of the chela in this octave! Only you can decide:
“It is no more! I shall weep no more—yesterday, today, or tomorrow! I shall weep no more about any human experience!”—that is, in the sense of self-pity or condemnation, for the tear that is shed with joy and compassion is not the weeping of the weeping entity.
When you decide it is done, and you decide with the full power of your I AM Presence that you are willing to wrestle with the old momentum and not allow that beast to rise from the dead at any time, when you will plunge the sword of the Word, and the spoken Word, into it, when you will wrestle with every temptation to breathe upon it the breath of life again and take it up again—I tell you, beloved ones, so many angels will come to assist you that as you walk the earth it will be as though a cloud of glory surrounded you—so many angels will come to reinforce the determination of the sons and daughters of God to be free.
Cosmic Reinforcements Are Waiting
Cosmic reinforcements are waiting. You must not be discouraged and say: “Well, this is the way I am. Mother knows the way I am—she takes me the way I am. And I have tried before, I’ve never been able to overcome this, and so God will just have to take me the way I am!”
Well, beloved ones, no louder voice did pride ever have, looming and glaring at the soul that has been silenced by the heavy tread of the boot of those who are the self-proclaimed independent ones, not realizing they have been singed by Lucifer himself. For he is the one who said, “I am who I am! I am more important than the Son of God, and God will have to ordain that his sons worship me, else I will rebel.” And he did.
The problem we have today in this circle of lightbearers is that there is not much farther down that anyone can be cast in this day and age than to walk the physical octave. And therefore, though you think the angel has not bound you and removed you from God’s glory by your defiance, it in fact has happened.
You Have the Teaching—You Are Expected to Apply It
You have the teaching. You are expected to apply it. You are expected to make the call to be shown why you do not pass every test.
You are expected to apply what has been given and ask for prayer and support when you wrestle with the beast you have created that has grown much larger than yourself so that your soul feels the towering of a monster before it and must have the reinforcement of the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood.
Thus, those who say, “I will not awaken the sleeping Buddha. I will not bother the Mother. This is one thing I have to do for myself because I have done this thing wrong for so long and now I am going to do it right....” You see, beloved ones, you engage in the lie of nonhierarchy.
The higher helps the lower. As you accept help in humility, you can extend help. If you do not receive from the one above you, you cannot give to the one below you whose progress is utterly stopped because you yourself have stopped.
Revere God and let him take care of the human and do not create a false hierarchy in your mind, a panoply of all persons you know—some you place on the highest rung and some on the lowest in your system of judgment.
One day the world must always turn against the living Christ. And I do not think that any among you would consciously turn down the light of your Christ consciousness to be accepted by men, yet some of you do this unconsciously to avoid the challenge or the hurt or the public criticism.
Beloved ones, you can only go so far with this little game as you fit yourself in and out of society’s cliques. Sooner or later they will make demands upon you, and sooner or later you will realize that you just compromised your soul and your relationship to me to be popular with some potentate.
Be the Presence of Peace, Comfort, and Wisdom
Think about it, beloved ones. The tests are lost because of an absence of forethought, of looking objectively at a situation as though you were on the ceiling looking down upon that meeting that you are attending.
Look at the group of people—look through the eye of God—at the conglomerate of forces and their juxtaposition, and say to yourself, “How do I really wish to figure in that configuration, that astrology, of those personages?”
And the best way to figure, beloved ones, is to be in their midst the presence of peace, of comfort, of wisdom if it is asked or desired—but not one that locks arms with the human consciousness, forming legal partnerships, becoming parts of groups or corporations or vast entities whereby, because legally you have wed yourself to it, you now become a bearer of the karma of that entity, that corporate entity (and there are many kinds and associations).
I do not say you cannot become members of this and that, but realize that, in the ultimate sense of the word, a member of the Great White Brotherhood (which you are or may aspire to be by becoming true disciples of the law of love) gives allegiance first and foremost to that Brotherhood.
The tests will inevitably come of allegiance and of defending the right of the ascended masters and their chelas to be on planet Earth.
Now, if you do not desire your name to be associated with us, we will help you still all that we can. But I must inform you that sooner or later your disavowal of association with us must also be our disavowal of the living Christ and light we may impart to you:
“He that denieth me before men, him must I deny before the Father.” It is one of those laws that none can break.
Crossing the Abyss Between the Human Will and the Divine Will
Thus, you see, between the human will and the human desire and the divine will and the divine desire, there is an abyss to be crossed. Its name is time and space. It is governed by the law of mortality.
You can take the route of the labyrinth. You can spend another thousand or ten thousand years or a million gingerly stepping in and out of the caves and caverns, underground and through the astral plane, seeking earthly treasure and not realizing that the Divine is practically on the tip of your nose.
Heaven offers you all, but it says, “You cannot bring with you that which is unreal.” I advise you to take an apple a day, not the whole tree—one piece of fruit. Assimilate the apple—a virtue, a portion of God’s consciousness. And by assimilation of this body and blood of God you will displace and find consumed in your life the old necessities of the carnal mind.
Thus, not by struggle but by slipping into God’s kingdom little by little will you find the key to the joyous path that now truly does displace the via dolorosa. The “sorrowful way” comes only to the one who has not surrendered. As soon as you surrender, you are free. That is the key.
When You Want to Be Like God, You Shall Be
This is my crash course in passing every test. Take each problem and solve it, and do not try to solve a million problems all at once. Be logical and seek the Word and the teaching. It is all there.
We have had a twenty-five-year mission and more with these messengers. I could not give it to you all in one dictation, but I can place it in a capsule, a capsule of light as it were, with a timed release.
But it is the release of eternal cycles, and it shall come through the flame in your heart, as my flame with your own, supporting transmutation around your threefold flame, allows you to awaken in the likeness of God.
There is an awakening unto light and love. There is an awakening unto freedom. It is truly the gift of the holy angels.
Beloved ones, I leave you with this pearl:
When you want to be like God, you shall be!
I thank you. [standing ovation, prolonged applause]
The Flame of Freedom Speaks
July 6, 1984
The Royal Teton Ranch
Park County, Montana