Kwan Yin - To Forgive, and to Forgive Daily

Ascended Master Kwan Yin on Forgiveness

Vol. 36 No. 24 - Beloved Kuan Yin - June 13, 1993

Easter Retreat 1993 - 5
The Gift of Good Friday -
To Forgive, and to Forgive Daily - Be Kind to One Another

O thou wondrous Light, thou who dost defy Death and Hell! O thou Light who is Christos, now let the scales of being, from the heart of hearts, from the base chakra to the Central Sun, be fully known by the soul!

O soul, feel the resonance! Hear the sound! Hear the strings of Light that restore the attunement of all that thou art with the true God-harmony of being.

I come, for I AM, in a sense, the gift of Good Friday. For I AM the violet flame incarnate! The gift of Good Friday, beloved ones, is the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ, released through the Omega and the Alpha of Christ.

Just as the violet flame was the foundation of the age of Pisces, so the violet flame passing through the physical blood and the physical body of Christ was the transforming power, even the transubstantiation, whereby the substance of Christ’s Body and Blood was made permanent, immutable, by the admixture, the alchemy, if you will, of the violet flame.

And so in anticipation of the age of Aquarius, when that flame would be universally available as the universal solvent, Jesus Christ did bring the sacred ritual of Holy Communion that by that Communion those who were devout, those who sought to embody the mysteries of Christ and even to bear his wounds and his cross might have use of the violet flame by merit centuries before Saint Germain made it available to all mankind in the 1930s.

“This do in remembrance of me”[1]is a line of scripture I would cite, for the remembrance of Christ and his gift of Good Friday is the remembrance not only of the past but of the future. This means you can remember the future before it happens.

You call this “foresight” and you also speak of “hindsight.” But remembrance is to carry in the threefold flame of your heart the Tablets of Mem. These tablets preserve the memory of God, past, present and future, and in timeless/spaceless realms. And who is like unto this God, who was and is and always shall be in you that continuum of being, that Divine Presence, the same yesterday and today and forever?

And thus, when the disciples did partake of that Communion, they did have the foretaste of the kingdom of heaven. They had the foreknowledge of transmutation and transformation. They knew that through the Body and Blood of their Lord, the lower elements, the bestial nature of the receptive upon earth would be transmuted by the violet flame, which Christ would seal in the blest Bread and the blest Wine, that the soul might disengage herself from the lower nature and be strengthened to seek the bonding to her Lord, the living Christ.

And so, blessed hearts, through the ages the saints who have loved to partake of Communion, who have done so daily–many of whom have lived on the Sacred Eucharist with no other food or sustenance for weeks and months at a time–have known that inner transformation, even the spiritualization of the soul. And therefore they have become pillars of fire in the earth, their presence holding the balance while others have simply been marking time, still indulging in the things of the world.

These saints have bowed before the monstrance and had the inner conviction, the profound conviction, that that wine and that wafer were indeed made blood, made flesh by the consecration of the wine, by the consecration of the wafer here below through those ordained to serve at the altar as instruments of the Lord himself, standing just above them in his Ascended-Master Light Body.

This is the sign that has been given unto you. It is a sign of the immortality of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. That sign of immortality is a message that if you will partake not only of the Holy Eucharist in the ritual of Communion itself but also of the Word, which is Christ and of Christ, by studying his Teachings, by embodying his Teachings, by being the example of his Teachings outplayed in daily life, then you will know true oneness with and eventual empowerment by your Lord.

And ultimately you will call for his Great Causal Body and his Great God Presence to come upon you, and you will put on the fullness of the Great Dharmakaya[2]of your Lord and Saviour. This should become a daily rite whereby you call upon the Lord to right all that is out of alignment within you through holy ritual. This is the true meaning of ritual–”right-you-all.”

If, then, the Lord can bring the alchemy of transubstantiation to the matter molecules of the bread and the wine, can he not also transform your mind, your being, your very own flesh and blood, your consciousness and your worldview?

Indeed, the Word made flesh is the consciousness of God that permeates every cell and atom of your four lower bodies when through partaking of the Holy Communion of the mind and heart with the Mind and Heart of Jesus you achieve blessed oneness with your Lord.

Can he not change the sadness into joy simply by the tapping of the heart? Can he not change the bitter waters into sweet waters flowing forth from your blest heart for the healing of all of the members of your body? And by this process of transmutation can he not make your body a chalice, yea, a magnet for the very Presence of your living, flesh-and-blood Jesus Christ?

That flesh and blood is transformed by the Seventh Ray, by the alchemy of the violet flame. And yet in this mystery, beloved, you can know the living Christ Jesus in a body that appears to be like your own and yet has been utterly transformed by the violet flame and the sacred fire.

Your beloved Jesus, then, shows you how you can walk the earth in the flesh-and-blood body and yet, by using the violet flame ritual, right all that is wrong within you. He shows you how by and by you can have a body that is stepped up from the lowest levels of mortality, free from the stain of sin and the records of sin and the sense of sin. But you must do your part by stopping the squandering of the life-force and the abuses of the body in all manner of perversion and debauchery. Yes, beloved, miracles are possible by the violet flame. For this flame, as you have been taught, is surely almost a physical flame, being in vibration the closest flame to the physical octave.

Invoking the violet flame daily with gratitude and rejoicing for this supreme gift of Good Friday, you can offer your body as a living chalice for the violet flame. And day by day you will experience that transformation which was accomplished by many adepts aforetime.

Make the call to the Seventh-Ray Masters that you might surely walk in a body transformed by the Seventh Ray. Carrying the vibration of the seventh age, you can live out your appointed lifetime and perhaps years or decades beyond because you have used the violet flame to satisfy certain needs of the chemistry of your body. In addition, you have understood that the chakras of your hands are to be consecrated as the chakras of the hands of Christ, corresponding to the nail prints where our Lord’s hands were pierced.

And as you use those hands to bless your food, to balance your food, to purify the water, to purify the air, to purify the earth and the inner and outer environment, you will understand that God made you to be on earth much longer than you anticipate. What’s more, he made you to be here in the joy of your Lord and in the joyous sense of knowing you have fulfilled the fourteen stations of the cross both in the Piscean-age dispensation, wherein Jesus is the bearer of the cross of world karma, and in the Aquarian-age dispensation, wherein the Woman and her seed are the bearers of the cross of world karma. This is the Woman clothed with the Sun, who has put the moon under her feet that she might bear the Divine Manchild, the true archetypal Inner Child of every son and daughter of God.

Therefore, it is the perfected Woman and her perfected seed who alone are capable of bearing the Aquarian-age cross. The perfected woman is the Divine Mother within you. Surely she ensouls both male and female who aspire to be the Word incarnate.

All souls in the Matter cosmos are undergoing the initiations of the Feminine Ray whether or not they so aspire. For with the age of Aquarius come the initiations of mind and heart, i.e., the crown and the heart chakras, that they might be the receptacles of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and the love of the Divine Mother respectively–and alternately, the Mother’s profound wisdom and the Spirit’s mystical love. Know, then, that the Divine Mother is the living Word and she is made flesh in every Christed one. And so in you is that Christ, and so in you is that anointing if you come into conformity with your Christ.

I, Kuan Yin, come to you, then, reminding you of the many texts that speak of me and of the challenges and the initiations whereby I did become the Goddess of Mercy. To have mercy in abundance and to have it in your heart leaping as a flame and as a fragrance of Mercy’s flowers from every cell of your being–this is indeed the goal of your life! This, beloved, brings you to the understanding that if you would truly walk in my footsteps and have much mercy, so much that it is as a trailing garment always with you, it is necessary for you to forgive and to forgive daily.

It would be well for you to dedicate a section of your daily planner[3]to the quality of mercy. List those situations in your life where you have not forgiven yourself or others, where you have set aside the requirement of the Law to forgive daily, to forgive gratefully and generously and seventy times seven. Then note what stones of stumbling and stones of hardness of heart you have let pile up where you have not entered in to the full flowering of Mercy’s ray, sharing it with others.

Blessed ones, why do people need forgiveness?

I will tell you why they need forgiveness. It is because people make mistakes. Is there anyone on earth who has not made a mistake, a great mistake or a small mistake? People commit violent crimes by mistake. They commit murder and mayhem.

And yet, when they are able to return to their heart of hearts and to their souls, when they are brought into balance by health practitioners who can aid them, almost a hundred percent of them will tell you that in their right mind they would not have resorted to violence. Of course there are the hardened ones who would do it again and who are capable of committing murder many times over; yet the majority of those who sin, who cross the line of the righteousness of God, beloved, have profound regret.

Be there, then, with mercy–mercy as enlightenment and understanding, mercy as caring, mercy as assisting another to bear his burden. Let mercy increase because you have looked within and seen that you are also frail, that you are also human and therefore you can have compassion for those who have no tie to the Inner Christ or to Jesus, your Lord.

And now that you have made him the centerpiece of your being, now that you have understood that the word Christ is truly the identification of your soul one with Jesus, not only can you become a repository of Christ’s mercy and a giver of Christ’s mercy but you can become humble before God, you can forgive yourself–yes, forgive yourself even as you can now be accepting of God’s forgiveness. This is the key to the foundation of the path of the Bodhisattva, the path of the Buddha.

Let there be a softening of hearts. Let it begin with the physical chemistry. Be certain that you accept only those foods that are for the healing of the heart, the softening of the heart, and reject those that compound the hardening of the heart. For the softening of the heart brings you so very close to the Lord Jesus. And his angels will come and they will see his halo upon you and they will know that you are indeed a friend of Christ, bearing that mercy flame, that violet flame.

Mercy, then, as the violet flame is the gift of Good Friday. How could we endure Good Friday except through the science of alchemy of the Seventh Ray that brings the miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine? How could we endure Good Friday each year, century upon century upon century, and each of the fifty-two Fridays of the year, when in our rosaries we turn again to the celebration of the Glorious Mysteries as well as the Initiatic Mysteries, which include “The Crucifixion of the Lord”?

We have endured and we have benefited. We have transcended ourselves many times over, for the gift of the violet flame has enabled us to assimilate that original flesh and that original blood and to understand this as a mystery of God–a mystery of God that is sealed as a formula, as sure as the formulas of Saint Germain are sealed except unto those who can be trusted with their exact configuration.

I, then, come to give you this knowledge of the gift of Good Friday so that you may ponder it and ponder the meaning of taking Communion. And should you choose to do so daily for fifty days, until the day of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Ghost, I encourage you to do so. For, beloved ones, you will find that the host itself and the wine daily transformed shall be for a great healing in your bodies.

And may you also accept the gift of Mother Mary’s elixir, formulated especially for you as you come to the altar. May you know the fasting of the body with holy water, even water that you consecrate yourself with the palm of your left hand under the glass and the palm of your right hand over the glass, thus establishing coils of Alpha and Omega that meet in the center to make that water holy even as you are holy. Fasting, then, on water or perhaps, as has been suggested to you before, on the special bancha tea with the special toasted brown rice, consecrating this as well, you will find new levels of consciousness appearing, excessive weight falling from the physical form, less density of the mind, and the ability to surely place your feet in the footprints of your Lord.

Understand, therefore, that you have prayed and prayed very hard for the resolution, for the divine solution to the last plagues in the earth, especially that of AIDS and other diseases that are terminal or incurable. You have prayed profoundly. And thus there shall come upon you, according to your calls continuing, the flame of mercy from my heart. For I have profound mercy for those who suffer, whether they suffer for their evil deeds or whether they are victims of blood contamination, water and air contamination or food contamination.

Yes, beloved ones, mercy is the light of the sun that shines upon the just and the unjust. And mercy is a gift and a quality that endures forever except it be utterly and totally rejected by such as the fallen angels who, no matter what, will not be converted to the living Christ, will not be converted to the Merciful Heart of their Lord and Saviour or become the embodiment of Mercy herself and therefore receive Mercy’s reward. Thus, in the hearts of those who neither give nor receive mercy, Mercy does not endure and they reap the consequences.

Mercy, then, does go forth. And as you continue to apply the Law in calling for the judgment of the fallen ones who have perpetrated the deed of the proliferation of this disease known as AIDS upon this planet, call also on behalf of those who “know not what they do.” For there are always the ignorant who are used as tools by the cunning and the vile and by those who have ultimate and total accountability for the spreading of these plagues.

The karma in the earth increases, as it has been said. And as that karma increases and intensifies, so those who must bear it, who have refused to bear it thus far, cry out the loudest. And they demand that society, that Almighty God, that the governments, the people, the scientists, and so forth, bear the burden of their karma. Yet this cry is not entirely unjust. For it is in truth the responsibility of the scientists, of the people and of the governments of the nations to do the research and not to exclude from their study alternative methods until they may define a cure for AIDS and other diseases.

It is criminal that there are solutions and remedies for many diseases in the earth that have been denied the people by those who traffic in human flesh, by those who deny the cures. So many gifts of alchemy have been put forth by Saint Germain only to have those who have held those gifts in their very hands persecuted, imprisoned (and ultimately some have even been murdered) by the powers-that-be, who would rather enslave a race to their own diseases than liberate them.

Pure and simple, this is known as population control. Population control has been popularized in many ways through scare tactics that are meant to convince one and all that there is not room enough for any more people upon the face of the earth, et cetera. In fact, population control is managed by the fallen angels for the simple reason that they do not desire to see the people of God become too numerous, too advanced in their ability to see through the fallen ones and too educated, even to the place where they shall rise up and deliver those cures, and the false hierarchy who empower the elite in the medical profession shall not be able to stop them.

Ere this come to pass, you will have to determine whether you can give of your time to the weekly Wednesday evening service. For Wednesday is the day when the healing rays are released to the earth in concentrated measure. It is the day of healing, the day of the All-Seeing Eye of God, the day of the alchemy of the Fifth Ray and the day when, if they are ever going to do it, the Lightbearers must stand up and challenge the fallen ones and their abuses in all branches of healing on earth.

If you are able to give Jesus’ Watch and then build on that profound foundation which is laid by the Lord himself, by his father, Saint Germain, and by his mother, Mary, you, I say, will have the reinforcement of millions upon millions of angels at your altars everywhere in the world. In answer to your call, these will challenge those who serve the public health unlawfully and unscrupulously and control the medications that are dispensed to the people of earth, many of which are toxic and ought not to be given to anyone.

So, beloved, you understand and we understand: You have many responsibilities. You have your children. You have your jobs. You have your homes. You have many responsibilities that call upon you and it is necessary for you to meet them. Thus Sanat Kumara has come to you, and so have the mighty Archangels, to ask you to give one or two minutes of calls each hour. [4]They have asked you to implore before the throne of grace by intense fiats to God that all his hosts might swiftly deal with the outrages of the fallen angels, who know that their time is short and who would destroy the very genetic foundations of the entire human race ere their time is up and they themselves must pass through the second death at the Court of the Sacred Fire.

Yes, the hour of the judgment of many of the fallen angels is come. Therefore when we ask for your prayers and we ask for your intercession, we ask it not alone for yourselves but for your children and for the children of the whole world, for they are the inheritors of the earth.

We ask you, if you will, to time your calls. Look at your watch for a hundred and twenty seconds–two minutes–and see how, when you have organized on paper the specific issues, the specific situations that must have divine intercession, you can recite calls for action on up to one hundred items in the time it takes the clock to tick two minutes. And by that call made on the hour, or on the half hour, or on the quarter hour, whichever you choose, millions of angels will obey your command, led by their captains, by their Archangels, by all the hosts of Sanat Kumara and Karttikeya and those who go forth as the armies of heaven in this day.

Therefore I, Kuan Yin, say to you this. I say to you that there is not one of you who, in all of your embodiments up to the present time, has called out for mercy whom I have not answered. I have delivered to you mercy–oftentimes when you were not delivering mercy to others where you could have, and yet when it came to a problem in yourself you cried out the loudest. You hollered for mercy. And my ear, the eternal ear of Mercy, did hear you, did extend mercy to you. And for that reason, a limb was saved, an organ was saved, a body, a family, a town, a city. Yes, beloved, I think all of us can remember in one lifetime or another how we have praised God, for only God could have saved us from such a calamity, such a fate, such a harshness in the courts of the world.

I ask you on this Good Friday, then, to recall the mercy of God and the mercy of the Lord Christ in his crucifixion, laying down his life and carrying the burden of your karma, world karma, for two thousand years, even the karma of nonbelievers, who in all of those two thousand years never did accept the living Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their personal Saviour. I ask you to remember this–that because he has lived and because he has set the example for many, many Bodhisattvas over the ages, I being one such Bodhisattva, mercy has been given to you and because of that mercy you are here today.

Therefore I ask you not to stop up your ears and say, “We do not want to hear any more about how many decrees we must give, how many labors we must do!” Do not stop up your ears in these days of intensification of karma when the decrees are exactly what you need.

Instead, become the masters of your decrees and see how you can even earn your ascension by the quality of the fiat, by your diligence by the hour, giving your calls two minutes of each hour that the people of earth might be rescued, that the cure for AIDS and all other diseases might be discovered and that all things might come to pass of joy and goodness and happiness ‘mongst your families, your children, your community, your loved ones. And then let that be repeated in every nucleus of every family on the face of the earth where many suffer, where wives or husbands have been killed, where children are alone, where calamities are great.

I pray, then, that the wall of light around this bastion established here in America’s wilderness will not be like the wall around the community of the Buddhas, nor your bodhisattvas like the fabled bodhisattvas of old who once they were on the inside no longer paid attention to the suffering on the outside. [5]

Sensitivity to others’ suffering and the cultivation of my lamp and my many mantras, even making one such mantra your own–this will preserve mercy in your heart when you tend to be judgmental of another. It will preserve in you the mercy of Christ and the open door which no man can shut, the open door of mercy whereby you are ready to forgive ten thousand times ten thousand, where you are ready to bear with another seventy times seven. Yes, beloved hearts, unless there is with you always that precious, precious fruit from the tree of mercy, you will make mistakes, you will fail your tests.

I ask you this day, then, to direct your mercy to your beloved El Morya. For El Morya needs your merciful heart and your aid to accomplish what is so crucial in this hour to the turning around of karma and the karmic cycles that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse deliver.

I AM Kuan Yin. I give you the gift of myself, for I AM the incarnation of Mercy’s flame. And I place that flame ever nearer, ever more conjoined to the finer bodies of the Messenger that this Community might be known as a place of mercy.

So remember, beloved, there is no mercy without loving-kindness. Therefore, in Maitreya’s name I seal you in the ever-living flame of kindness, commanding you: Be kind to one another. Whether in their presence or their absence, speak kindly to and about others and know the peace of Maitreya.

This dictation by Beloved Kuan Yin was deliveredby the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993,at the Royal Teton Ranch. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Kuan Yin’s direction.]

[1] Luke 22:17-20; I Cor. 11:23-26.

[2] Dharmakaya.See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 20, p. 271 n. 3.

[3] The Messenger recommends the Franklin Day Planner. See vol. 36, no. 21, p. 289 n. 1.

[4] Calls to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49, 65, 67, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32, 757-58; and vol. 36, nos. 4 and 12, pp. 50-51, 151-52.

[5] Buddhist tale about the wall. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 57, pp. 656, 661 n. 1.

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