Journey with Sanat Kumara across the Vastnesses of Cosmos

Vol. 24 No. 13 - Beloved Zarathustra - March 29, 1981

The Class of the Archangels
God Has Sent the Seven Archangels for the Rescue of the People of Light on Earth X
A Moment in Cosmic History—The Empowerment of Bearers of the Sacred Fire

Zarathustra’s Journey with Sanat Kumara across the Vastnesses of Cosmos

Light in the heart of the world, I greet thee from the plane of immaculate fire!

I AM Zarathustra. You have called my name out of the heart of Ahura Mazda. [1]

I AM come to deliver the sacred fire of the Sun behind the sun to raise you up and to establish in you the original teaching of Ahura Mazda, Sanat Kumara, delivered long ago in the land of ancient Persia unto me and unto the king and queen who received the conversion of archangels and of the sacred fire and of holy angels by the descent of light. [2] Thus, by their lifestreams’ acceptance of my prophecy, there came to pass the multiplication of the bread of Life from the heart of Sanat Kumara whose messenger I was, whose messenger I remain.

I AM the light descending! And I AM pressing that light into the very forcefield of its original descent. For we who serve him are determined that light shall prevail and that the judgment shall descend in Iran, in the Mideast, and throughout the earth.

For the great teaching of Sanat Kumara was the name I AM THAT I AM and the understanding of the affirmation of his individuality: I AM THAT I AM, Mazda. [3]

I AM a light kindling a light within you!

The teaching of the hosts of the Lord and the coming of the great avatar of light, the teaching of betrayal and the consequent warfare of his hosts against the evil ones, was understood and propagated. The law of karma, the law of reincarnation, and even the vision of the last days when evil and the Evil One would be vanquished—all of this went forth by the conversion of the king and the queen and the reaching out of the faith to all of the subjects of the land.

Thus, the tests were given by the archangels through my office unto these two chosen ones. Thereby passing the tests, they became blessed as secondary emissaries of Sanat Kumara. And therefore, I the prophet and they, holding the balance in the earth manifested a trinity of light and the figure-eight flow.

Realize the necessary ingredients for the propagation of the faith throughout the earth.

The archangels send their messenger with a gift of prophecy that is the Word of Sanat Kumara to every culture and in every age. Thus, the prophet comes forth with the vision, with the anointing, and with the sacred fire. But unless the prophet find the fertile field of hearts aflame and receptive, the authority of the Word does not pass unto the people.

Therefore, in this hour of the descent of The Lord Our Righteousness, [4] the authority of God is passed from king and queen, from temporal crown, unto the individual who does raise up the King of kings and Lord of lords [5] within his heart.

Realize, then, that the governing authority of earth has always been the authority for the people—this by divine decree and this by karmic law. And therefore, those leaders whom the people deserved by their own karma have brought them either into alignment with the hosts of Ahura Mazda or into alignment with the fallen ones. And alternating light and darkness, the people have been led to the holy mountain of God or to the very depths of astral despair.

Blessed hearts, the people of earth have long been at the mercy of their rulers. But the hour is come of the mighty dispensation of the Word incarnating according to merit and according to grace.

Thus, the seed of light-bearers is measured, and it is weighed. Thus, the prophet stands in the land—assembling his hosts, calling unto the children of the light, searching out those who by their spiritual authority and integrity can stand for the people of the land and of the entire earth.

You have seen how, nation by nation, the leaders of the earth have turned aside the fulfillment of the message of prophecy and the true religion of Sanat Kumara delivered by the Great White Brotherhood through the messengers. You have seen how the torch has been passed to those of light—those willing and able to assume the responsibility for more than themselves or their families but for their entire communities and nations.

Thus, the message “the government shall be upon his shoulder” [6] is truly the announcement of the era when the shoulders of the individual Christ should bear the full burden of light of Sanat Kumara.

This gift of the teaching, coming by the Holy Spirit and sponsored by the seven archangels for the root races of the earth, reaches its culmination and climax in this era when the Divine Mother provides the essence of the white fire of Sanat Kumara that is for the synthesis of all religion and science. Thus, the bringing together of those who are true and faithful, those who have the highest light, those who have served us in the past and who are reassembling in this hour.

O responsive hearts, realize that when the soul that you are submits to the authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords, it is subject unto the authorities of Spirit and the true authorities in Matter. And thereby that soul, one with the inner God, becomes the spokesman of the people on earth. And because they represent, by hierarchy, the souls of men and women, they therefore become the instruments for the multiplication of the light of Sanat Kumara, bypassing the fallen ones who have assumed the position of temporal power.

Realize that the coming of the avatar Jesus Christ was the sign of Sanat Kumara. He was foreordained King of kings and Lord of lords; and yet he would accept no temporal crown or kingdom, saying, “My kingdom is not of this world.” [7] Thus, he retained the spiritual authority of Almighty God and transferred to his apostles that same spiritual fire, sending them forth for the conversion of temporal powers and those who sat as representatives of the people—the very people who had departed from the covenant of Almighty God to be under the prophets of Israel. [8]

Blessed hearts, the chain of hierarchy now is established through The Lord Our Righteousness. The hour has come when those who have usurped the positions of spirituality as well as materiality must be set aside and indeed are set aside by the very presence of the archangels.

You, therefore, will see a great change taking place. You will see the elect of God coming into prominence in church and state—but most of all, in the hearts of the people.

For those of you who have that fire, who contain that fire and would retain more of it, can do so simply by accepting the fullness of the Path and the fullness of the mantle. Meeting all requirements of the four archangels—pinning the four points of the compass and the base of the pyramid—you, then, will find yourself under the aegis of the Lord Sanat Kumara and wearing the mantle of our own authority.

Thus, the congruent triangles of earth become one with our own. And we move in and through the earth restoring, then, the ancient teaching—lost in the material sense but never lost—as a fiery field, starry in nature, scattered across the heaven world and scattered through the hearts of the people.

This fundamental teaching that has been a part of every dispensation is not lost. It is written in the hearts of the very ones who appear in the last days and take their positions in the office of the hierarchy of light.

Thus, your preparations these many years—through our dictations, through the lectures, through the teachings of Summit University, through your initiations—have all been toward that end: that you could assume the divine office, one with your Christ Self, and thereby carry the scepter of authority of The Lord Our Righteousness.

This must be sought, and the ego must be bound and every tie to the fallen ones be cut off and shunned. For there are stern requirements of the law before you are given this scepter of authority. It is within reach. The cycles are turning. And I AM come to call you home.

I AM Zarathustra of the flame! I AM in the home of light in the heart of the Mother, in the heart of all of you who are my own—and have been since the beginning of our Word. We came with him approaching earth, dedicated to the raising up and the setting aside of the light-bearers for the victory.

The most important point of the law that I would leave with you in this hour is the mighty teaching of the Word incarnate and the role that you must play in this era of earth’s history and the historical stream. It will not come by mere association with our bands.

Study the lives of those who were truly endued with the Holy Spirit. Look throughout history and realize that all submitted willingly to the most arduous disciplines, initiations, descent of sacred fire, confrontation with archangels, rebuke, and demand to rise higher and higher until the fusion of the soul with God did verily bring about the birth of a God-man, or a God-woman, proclaiming that law that could not and would not be turned back—because it was indeed the release of the Holy Spirit. And none who sit in the presence of that Spirit can turn back—can deny that fount of Reality.

This is the empowerment, blessed hearts. And it must come by your own deference to the Lord in every hand, in every way—a deference that by love is content to be with the children of God to teach them, to heal them, to lead them, to spank them, to nourish them, to raise them up, and to serve without ceasing.

Holy orders are indeed the order of the day. The more than ordinary dedication will reap the rewards that are necessary for the saving of a planetary body and an evolution. Therefore, hear my call, beloved hearts of light! And receive me, that the light of Zarathustra be not put out, be not left to be covered over by the centuries.

Lo, I AM come. For I AM sponsored by the angelic hosts. And I deliver the Word of the law to you, for it is my good pleasure to be in the midst of mine own.

Now let the legions of fire of Lord Buddha, of the Cosmic Christ, let the legions of Sanat Kumara establish mighty rings of light in formation—mighty rings of light!

White-robed and with flaming swords, they stand. They come. They seal the earth. They seal the light of the Brotherhood. They seal the light of your hearts for those coming events which shall surely come to pass: to the right, to the left, in the fore, and behind the children of God and their marching to the center of the Sun—those events which must be the outcropping of personal and planetary karma which must be submitted into the fire of Zarathustra, even as I was taken up in a fire unto God in the ascension.

So, I come in like manner as they saw me go! I descend the spiral now of the ascension flame.

I position my presence in the very presence of the messenger. I accelerate and increase the fire within this temple. I intensify the light. And it is for the permanent focusing of the seven archangels lower and lower into the physical dimensions that you might also drink of that holy cup which they gave me to drink. It is the taking in of the liquid sacred fire.

Therefore, hallow these presences. O angelic bands, make them indeed focuses of the Holy Grail, that they, too, might drink of this hallowed essence! Let each and every one then receive the maximum acceleration possible, that they might be found in another way—a more glorious way—a part of the mystical body of Ahura Mazda, Sanat Kumara.

By the flame of the Ever-Present Guru, Lanello, I release into your very being and consciousness—if you will have it, if you will receive it—those necessary manifestations of light, those formulae of the Spirit, for the fusion of heaven and earth.

For I AM Zarathustra where I AM. And I choose to be that I AM THAT I AM where you are. And I AM come for the lowering into manifestation, in these latter days, of the entire fulfillment of the prophecy given unto my heart and anchored there.

There must be the increase of light. Therefore, we increase light! Therefore, we accelerate! Therefore, we demonstrate the majesty of the law, the beauty and the light of Immortality. We part the veil that you might see clearly the path that goes between the mountains of God whereby you pass into the Inner Retreat, into the etheric plane, into the white fire core of the earth.

For this is a never-ending stream of souls of God marching unto the fount of Reality, marching to the Great Central Sun, marching to the home of Alpha and Omega. It is an unbroken stream. It is an unbroken realization. It is the ongoingness of Life whereby you should never see death but only realize transition and the setting aside of the terrestrial body for the celestial. [9]

Therefore, I AM come—past, present, and future. Thus spake Zarathustra!

Therefore, receive the light of the Archangel Gabriel—the initiator of souls and of the ascension flame. And recognize that indeed there is a turning of cycles and a turning of worlds, and you ought not to tarry in the lesser consciousness or vibration but return to the release of the spoken Word. Play it again and again for the reabsorption of the light. For with each playing of this my release, you will return to its original power, and you will find the acceleration in your world.

I call for the wisdom!

I call for the fire!

I call for the love!

By the authority of the light of The Lord Our Righteousness that I AM who I AM, Sanat Kumara, I am stepping up the forcefields of earth. And the company of saints and the hosts of the Lord with me now, carrying you up in a mighty cloud of fire, is indeed for the consummation of your love, for the burning up of human desire, for the burning up of all recalcitrance and the looking back to Sodom [10] and the longing after the flesh pots of Egypt. [11]

Let it go into the fire, my beloved! Consider well the seriousness of the hour and how the hours of opportunity are diminishing even as they are increasing, even as the sands in the hourglass flow.

Understand that these moments in cosmos are for your identification with the Light, for your causal body. And this release of sacred fire is a momentous opportunity as there is a pressing in from Sanat Kumara and all in the lineage of the ruby ray—to lift you up, to hurl you into the great God-sphere of your own mighty God Presence, to saturate you with light, to consume out of you now all those lesser manifestations.

I say, Cease the struggle forevermore. For you have not heard this Word before as I give it to you in this hour. You have not known the initiations of the seven archangels prepared for you.

And therefore, I preach to you perforce that you must surrender the grossness of departure from the Light and realize that there are indeed cosmic moments (and this is one of them) when you can cast into the flame that momentum of human creation, when you can have taken from you by the Lord of the World and his messenger those elements of human karma that can be swallowed up in the flame of the ascension that burns within the Mother’s breast—because we are placing our Electronic Presence over her, and therefore there is an increased and multiplied capacity to take from you those elements of human karma that can be taken because you relinquish the elements of desire that have created them in the very first place.

Blessed hearts, there are moments in cosmic history. I adjure you to consider that this is one of them! And you have prepared to my coming. And you have not heard me speak in many a year, for I have been working with your souls at inner levels. And therefore, you know me as your very own father and brother and mentor on the Path, even the Flaming One. And you have implored me to deliver that fire of Ahura Mazda. And so, I have come! for it has been given to me to do so.

O hearts of light, rise and reach for the flame! For it is yours to keep.

O beloved hearts, it is necessary to understand that you cannot move forward with the density that you have carried in the past year and preceding years and centuries. This is the cutting off! This is the turning! And your desire to bring forth all that God has ordained of the Inner Retreat and the outer expansion, multiplication of the teaching—all of this necessitates that surrender of that substance to which you have clung for far too long, sometimes in ignorance, sometimes in the density of not knowing that you are indeed bearing that darkness of the past dark ages.

O filaments of light, O starry bodies, angelic host, descend! Let there be the seizing, then, of that darkness that can go into the mighty flame of Sanat Kumara’s heart! And let there be the infilling with light.

And let there be the appreciation in Keepers of the Flame worldwide who play this dictation and play it again and again—that with each playing, the corresponding acceleration that you have accomplished by your dynamic decrees in the meantime will cause you to be able to celebrate a greater and greater incarnation of the Word until you, too, find yourself balancing the last vestiges of your karma and thereby able to endow the earth with the light of Sanat Kumara.

Indeed, the dispensation is come, beloved hearts. And by the most holy Spirit of God, you have around you now such fire as you have not known on earth but only in the etheric temples of God. And therefore, you have only been able to keep that fire at the etheric level, but in the physical octave you have been most burdened and often discouraged and often in the situation of making karma by the very adversity of dealing with the heaviness of the day.

Blessed hearts, by the fragrance of the fiery rose, accept in full faith this opportunity. Give to me now the momentums of opposition to the Lord of Pisces, Jesus Christ. O give to me momentums of death, doubt and fear, hardness of heart, that the Sacred Heart might appear in you! For the entire age is held up for want of vehicles of the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Therefore, let that karma pass into the ascension flame. And look forward in this year, beloved hearts, to the initiation of the flame of Life swallowing up death.

Look forward, then, to the head-on confrontation of the fourth horseman—the rider riding with that Death across the earth. [12]Look forward to it. For the light that is given to you is indeed sufficient for the rolling up of Death, even as victory’s light and resurrection’s flame has rolled it up in the hour of the victory of every avatar.

Most blessed ones, be anointed of holy angels. And now, as they approach, kneel where you are for their blessing (sounding of the kartal).



Now, most precious vessels of the sacred fire, when you rise from your submission to the Lord Christ, the Lord Buddha, you will rise in newness of holy office. Bearers of the sacred fire are ye. I have thus called you because He has called you thus! Bearers of the sacred fire—the holy office of angels heretofore reserved for the spirits in heaven.

That you might know I have come, it is my intent to seal you with holy bread and holy wine that I might charge the physical substance and impress it with the imprint of my own ascension, my own mergence with the flame.

Hearts of light, know the meaning of the proffered gift.

I now intensify light of the hierarchy of Leo for initiations in the sacred fire of the heart. I demand hearts increase in purest love—and fire!

I demand that you rise to your holy office. I demand that you receive it with an inner vow of purity and God-determination!—and that you will know that God has spoken to you this night through Sanat Kumara, my own flame, the flame of the messenger, and your own heart flame, summoning the will to seize a planetary body and present it upon the altar of the Most High God!

Readiness for the Lord. Thus, my Lord Gautama Buddha came before me to prepare for my coming, to prepare your consciousness. [13]

Each time you participate in the ritual of listening to the dictations of this conference, my beloved, you will rise on the self-transcending coils of your divine identity and reexperience in higher dimensions all that has transpired, all that has been transferred. It is manna in the wilderness for the decade (for nine years, the power of the three-times-three) out of the heart of archangels—some of them known to you, some of them all entirely unknown yet participants in the raising up of the remnant. Until Death and Hell are cast into the lake of fire, [14]this album of dictations will serve the elect of God upon earth to enter into increasing, intensifying initiations under the seven archangels.

Understand the meaning of our coming. Understand the meaning of their prophet in the earth who I AM, who I AM THAT I AM. Understand your interaction with the saints and realize that your anticipation of the golden-age consciousness must be accompanied by receptivity, expectancy that here and now you will be exalted, you will be accelerated, you will be compelled to cast off the idolatrous self, the deceptive self, and the human will—and that this cannot wait forever and a day and more! For light years are passing, and earth and solar systems are moving onward and approaching the Great Central Sun and the Court of the Sacred Fire.

Have you ever considered that your planet and your solar system might be a space vehicle journeying to the Central Sun and arriving there in the hour of God’s will being done?—and the entire planetary orbs and souls thereon and the very center of Helios and Vesta coming into the great harmony of the ascension flame, all then coming into the light of the transition unto the Highest and the Holy of Holies, that the entire solar system and all lifewaves therein should bow before the Court of the Sacred Fire and the Great Central Sun and the stars themselves should kneel before the Lord God Almighty?

Blessed hearts, you never know the goal of the star with which you are journeying—the star of the sun and of the Sun behind the sun, the star of an avatar, the star of a Buddha, a Christ, even the star of our Sanat Kumara. We are a part of his causal body, all of us. We are journeying with him across the vastnesses of cosmos. We are within the vehicles of his consciousness, moving with the speed of light. There is indeed a fiery destiny and a fiery destination of worlds!

Happy are ye when ye find yourselves in alignment, moment by moment, with the very next point in the drama of cosmic creation.

Traveler, wayfarer, thy journey is unto the Sun! And we are well under way. And we have begun long, long ago. And from the beginning to the ending is a cosmic wink in the eye of God.

Readiness for the Lord’s appearing—this be the sign of your life. Readiness for the descent, for the hour of the coming of Maitreya. No man knoweth when he cometh. It is the hour of the initiation of thy soul unto highest Life—Life that you do not now comprehend, Life that you have never understood, but Life that is promised to you because you love the Lord supremely.

Gentle hearts, together we have experienced the fervor, the fire, the fury—a portion thereof of the heart of Sanat Kumara.

Now I come and I ask you to continue your singing to my flame and to my name as I minister to you, one by one, the Communion of angels of fire. They are your coordinates—bearers of the fire of Zarathustra, Ahura Mazda, and the chain of the seven.

Angels of the sacred fire, now be wed to these bearers of the sacred fire.

Forevermore be reminders and restorers of the memory of the inner alignment of the soul with higher octaves. Angels of the sacred fire!—keep these holy ones in the custody of cosmic law, in the joy of the bread of angels.

Most holy Mother, Mary, most holy Mother, I salute the God flame of thy heart. My devotion is with thee for the victory of thy son and of earth’s evolutions. Come home, most holy Mother. Thy sons, thy children, thy saints long for thee—long for thee in heaven. (Communion is served through the messenger for seventy-six minutes. Communicants procession to the Altar of Invocation in the Chapel of the Holy Grail, singing to the flame of Zarathustra.)

I seal you in the light of your own starry body—a light sealed in the heart of the I AM Presence and locked there, now released by your momentum of devotion unto the sacred fire.

I AM the sealing of the cosmic cross of white fire.

Other archangels will come for the finishing of the spiral in days to come. But for this hour, it is done. All who have come forth bear the sacred trust of fire.

Remember to invoke angels of the sacred fire and elementals of the sacred fire.

Remember to speak the name Sanat Kumara. For every master, hierarch, and exalted being bows before that name and will respond to the call of the devotee made in the sacred name of God, Sanat Kumara.

Go forth to proclaim his sacred name. Thus spake Zarathustra!

NOTE: The above dictation by Zarathustra was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet during The Class of the Archangels,January 1, 1981, at Camelot; cassettes B8105, B8106.

1. Zarathustra Gr. Zoroaster., c. 600 B.C., messenger of Ahura Mazda ‘Wise Lord’ or ‘Lord who bestows intelligence’ Sanat Kumara.

2. Beginning at age 30, Zarathustra received a series of miraculous visions. The soul of the prophet was led in ecstatic meditation into the presence of Ahura Mazda and the company of the archangels. There he was given a vision portraying aspects of his mission and initiated into the sublime secrets and the science of an emerging new religion. The archangels revealed to Zarathustra that King Vishtasp would play a key role in establishing the faith. As rulers of the vast Persian Empire, Vishtasp and his queen, Hutosa, provided the platform for wide promulgation of the Word of the Lord and the teachings of the sacred fire. Ancient texts record the coming of three archangels to the court of King Vishtasp as witnesses from Ahura Mazda. The archangels appeared as effulgent knights in full armor, riding on horseback, radiating a blinding light and the sound of thunder. The king embraced the faith. And it is written that the “archangels then took up their abode with Vishtasp.”

3. Thus spoke Zarathustra: “Tell me, O pure Ahura Mazda, the name which is Thy greatest, best, fairest, and which is the most efficacious for prayer.” Thus answered Ahura Mazda: “My first name is I AM...and my twentieth name is I AM THAT I AM, Mazda.”

4. Jer. 23:5, 6; 33:15, 16.

5. Rev. 17:14; 19:16.

6. Isa. 9:6, 7. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Government Shall Be upon His Shoulder,” January 14, 1978, Accra, Ghana; cassettes B7826, B7827.

7. John 18:33-37.

8. I Sam. 8; 12.

9. I Cor. 15:40.

10. Gen. 19:15-26.

11. Exod. 16:2, 3.

12. Rev. 6:8.

13. Refers to New Year’s Eve Address of Gautama Buddha, January 1, 1981, “Readiness in the Lord—The Power of Perfect Peace.” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, pp. 119-28.

14. Rev. 20:14.

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